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他们负债总计一百万英镑以上。的意思是指某个人或者组织所欠的债务总额超过一百万英镑。中文翻译为“他们负债总计一百万英镑以上”。音标为 [ðeəmz ˈdet ˈdebt ˈsʌm əv wʌn mɪlɪən ˈpɑʊndz əˈbʌv].


怎么读(音标):[ðeəmz ˈdet ˈdebt ˈsʌm əv wʌn mɪlɪən ˈpɑʊndz əˈbʌv]



1. The company is in deep trouble, with debts totaling over one million pounds. (这家公司陷入了深深的困境,负债总额超过一百万英镑。)

2. They have been struggling to pay off their debts, but the total amount is now over one million pounds. (他们一直在努力偿还债务,但是现在的总额已经超过了一百万英镑。)

3. The government has announced a plan to help those who are heavily in debt, with a total of over one million pounds. (宣布了一个计划,帮助那些负债累累的人,总额超过一百万英镑。)

4. Despite their best efforts, their debts have continued to pile up and now total over one million pounds. (尽管他们尽最大努力,但是他们的债务仍在不断增加,现在总额已经超过一百万英镑。)

5. The celebrity couple's lavish lifestyle has left them with debts totaling over one million pounds. (这对名人夫妇奢华的生活方式让他们负债累累,总额超过一百万英镑。)


1. They owe a total of more than one million pounds. (他们欠款总额超过一百万英镑。)

2. Their combined debts amount to over one million pounds. (他们共同的债务总额超过一百万英镑。)

3. Their debts exceed one million pounds in total. (他们的债务总额超过一百万英镑。)

4. They have accumulated debts of over one million pounds. (他们积累了一百万英镑以上的债务。)

5. The sum of their debts is now over one million pounds. (他们的债务总和现在已经超过了一百万英镑。)



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