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From now on, what does it mean? /fɹɒm naʊ ɒn/



How to pronounce: /fɹɒm naʊ ɒn/

Usage: This phrase is used to refer to the future time or situation starting from now.

Example sentences:

1. From this day on, I will work harder to achieve my goals. (从此之后,我会更加努力地实现我的目标。)

2. From now on, we will have to be more careful with our spending. (从此之后,我们必须更加谨慎地花钱。)

3. From this moment on, everything will change for the better. (从此刻起,一切都会变得更好。)

4. I promise you, from now on, I will always be there for you. (我向你保证,从今往后,我会永远在你身边。)

5. Starting from today, we will implement a new system in our company. (从今天开始,我们将在公司实施一个新的。)

Synonyms and usage:

1. Henceforth - used to indicate that something will happen from this point forward.

2. In the future - used to refer to events or situations that will happen at a later time.

3. From this time forth - used to express that something will continue in the future.

4. Hereafter - used to refer to events or situations that will occur after the present time.

5. Going forward - used in business or formal contexts to indicate that something will happen in the future.

Editor's summary:

"From now on" is a phrase commonly used to refer to future events or situations starting from the present moment. It can be used in various contexts and has similar meanings to other phrases such as "henceforth" and "in the future". Remember to use it correctly in your sentences and avoid overusing it.


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