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五雀六燕(wǔ què liù yàn)是指五种小鸟和六种燕子的总称,也可以指一群五彩缤纷、数量众多的小鸟和燕子。这个词汇通常用来形容生机勃勃、繁华盛世的景象,也可以用来比喻人们的欢声笑语和欢乐气氛。

读音:wǔ què liù yàn



1. 那片花园里有五雀六燕,绚丽多彩的小鸟和燕子在花丛中飞舞。


There are many colorful birds and swallows dancing in the garden like a lively scene of five birds and six swallows.

2. 在农历新年期间,街上到处都是五雀六燕,人们欢聚一堂,共同庆祝节日。

During the Chinese New Year, there are festivities everywhere, people gather together to celebrate the holiday like a scene of five birds and six swallows.

3. 这部电影展现了一个五雀六燕的城市夜生活,让观众感受到了都市的活力与欢乐。

This movie shows a vibrant city nightlife like a scene of five birds and six swallows, allowing the audience to experience the energy and joy of the city.

4. 孩子们在操场上奔跑嬉戏,欢乐的气氛让人感受到了五雀六燕般的生机勃勃。

Children were running and playing on the playground, creating a lively atmosphere like a scene of five birds and six swallows.

5. 那个农村小镇每年夏天都会举办五雀六燕节,吸引了许多游客前来观赏小鸟和燕子的美丽飞舞。

The rural town holds a festival of five birds and six swallows every summer, attracting many tourists to come and watch the beautiful dance of birds and swallows.


1. 繁花似锦:形容色彩艳丽、繁盛华美的景象。

2. 万紫千红:形容色彩缤纷、绚丽多彩的景象。

3. 热闹非凡:形容人声鼎沸、欢声笑语、气氛热烈的场面。

4. 欢乐洋溢:形容充满欢乐、快乐的气氛。

5. 生机勃勃:形容充满活力、生机盎然的景象。




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