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postup这个单词常见的词组近义词有:advance、progress、upgrade、improve等。,我们可以说“The company is making great progress in the postup of their technology.”(公司在技术方面取得了巨大的进步。)




作为动词,postup可以表示“上升;提高”,:“The stock market has been postupping steadily for the past few months.”(过去几个月里,股市一直稳步上涨。)此外,它还可以表示“升级;改进”,:“We need to postup our security measures to prevent cyber attacks.”(我们需要提升我们的安全措施来防止网络攻击。)

作为名词,postup可以指“上升;提高”的过程或结果,:“The postup of our company's sales has been remarkable this year.”(今年我们公司销售额的增长令人瞩目。)此外,它也可以指“升级;改进”的行为或结果,:“The postup of the software has greatly improved its performance.”(软件的升级大大提高了它的性能。)


1. The company's postup in the market has been slow but steady.(公司在市场上的提升虽然缓慢但稳定。)

2. We need to postup our skills in order to compete with others.(我们需要提升自己的技能才能与他人竞争。)

3. The postup of technology is inevitable in this fast-paced world.(在这个快节奏的世界里,技术的提升是不可避免的。)

4. She postupped from a junior position to a senior one within just two years.(她仅用两年时间就从初级职位晋升到了高级职位。)

5. The company announced a postup in their salary structure, which was welcomed by employees.(公司宣布对薪资结构进行提升,受到员工的欢迎。)



advance强调向前发展,通常指取得更好或更高的成就。“The company has made great advances in their research and development.”(公司在研发方面取得了巨大的进步。)

progress则强调持续的发展或改进。“The students are making steady progress in their studies.”(学生们在学习中稳步前进。)

upgrade指对某物进行升级或改善。“The company has upgraded their software to meet the demands of the market.”(公司已经升级了他们的软件以满足市场需求。)

improve强调使某物变得更好或更有效。“The new system has greatly improved our efficiency.”(新大大提高了我们的效率。)




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