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一:工艺品进出口总公司的意思是指专门从事工艺品进出口业务的国有企业。中文:工艺品进出口总公司,英文:China Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corporation,音标:[tʃaɪ'na: 'a:ts ənd kræfts 'ɪmˌpɔ:t ənd 'ɛksˌpɔ:t kɔ:pə'reʃən]。

二:读音为“tʃaɪ'na: 'a:ts ənd kræfts 'ɪmˌpɔ:t ənd 'ɛksˌpɔ:t kɔ:pə'reʃən”。




1. 工艺品进出口总公司是一家具有悠久历史和丰富经验的国有企业。

China Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corporation is a state-owned enterprise with a long history and rich experience.

2. 作为最大的工艺品进出口企业,工艺品进出口总公司在海外市场享有很高的声誉。

As the largest arts and crafts import and export company in China, China Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corporation enjoys a high reputation in the overseas market.

3. 工艺品进出口总公司每年都会参加国内外的工艺品展览会,推广传统工艺文化。

China Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corporation participates in arts and crafts exhibitions both at home and abroad every year to promote traditional Chinese craft culture.

4. 该公司与多家国外企业建立了长期稳定的合作关系,实现了工艺品的多元化出口。

The company has established long-term and stable cooperation with many foreign companies, achieving diversified exports of arts and crafts.

5. 工艺品进出口总公司致力于保护和传承传统工艺技艺,让世界更多人了解和欣赏文化。

China Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corporation is committed to protecting and inheriting traditional Chinese craftsmanship, allowing more people around the world to understand and appreciate Chinese culture.


1. 工艺品进出口总公司也可以被称为“中华民族工艺美术进出口总公司”。

2. “工艺品”可以替换为“手工制品”、“手工艺品”等。

3. “进出口”可以替换为“贸易”、“交易”等。




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