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英文:Can't cry anymore

音标:[kænt kraɪ əˈnɪmɔːr]

怎么读(音标):kænt kraɪ əˈnɪmɔːr



1. She has been through so much pain, she just can't cry anymore. 她经历了太多的痛苦,已经无法再哭了。

2. The movie was so touching that I couldn't help but cry, I just couldn't cry anymore after a while. 这部电影太感人了,我忍不住哭了,但过一会儿后就再也无法哭出来了。

3. After losing her beloved pet, she couldn't cry anymore, she was just too heartbroken. 失去心爱的宠物后,她已经无法再哭了,她太伤心了。

4. He tried to hold back his tears, but he couldn't cry anymore when he saw his mother's face full of worry. 他试图忍住眼泪,但当他看到母亲满脸担忧时,他已经无法再哭了。

5. The pain was too much to bear, she couldn't cry anymore, she just wanted it to end. 痛苦让人难以忍受,她已经无法再哭了,她只想让它结束。


1. Cry one's heart out: 哭得伤心欲绝。:She cried her heart out when she heard the bad news. 听到坏消息后,她伤心欲绝地哭了起来。

2. Break down in tears: 痛哭。:The little girl broke down in tears when she lost her favorite toy. 那个小女孩失去最爱的玩具后,痛哭起来。

3. Shed tears: 流泪。:He shed tears of joy when he saw his long-lost friend again. 当他再次见到失散多年的朋友时,他流下了幸福的眼泪。

4. Weep uncontrollably: 无法地哭泣。:She wept uncontrollably at the funeral of her best friend. 在她最好的朋友的葬礼上,她无法自己地哭泣。

5. Choke back tears: 忍住眼泪。:He choked back tears as he said goodbye to his family at the airport. 在机场与家人告别时,他忍住了眼泪。


不能哭了是一个形容极端情绪或痛苦的词语,通常用来形容无法再自己的眼泪。它可以作为形容词短语使用,也可以和其他动词搭配使用。同义词有cry one's heart out、break down in tears、shed tears、weep uncontrollably和choke back tears等。在写作中,可以根据具体情境选择合适的同义词来表达无法再哭的意思,以丰富句子表达方式。


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