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三一节的意思是指“三个一起出现的节日或庆祝活动”。中文中也可以称为“三重节日”或“三重庆典”。英文为"triple festival",读音为/ˈtrɪpl ˈfɛstəvəl/。


三一节的音标为/ˈtrɪpl ˈfɛstəvəl/,其中“triple”的读音为/ˈtrɪpl/,意为“三倍的,三重的”,而“festival”的读音为/ˈfɛstəvəl/,意为“节日,庆祝活动”。




1. 明天就是我们公司年会了,这可是个大日子啊!因为我们将同时庆祝春节、清明节和端午节,真是一个难得的三一节。

Tomorrow is our company's annual meeting, it's a big day! Because we will celebrate the triple festival of Chinese New Year, Qingming Festival and Dragon Boat Festival, it's a rare triple celebration.

2. 在西方,圣诞节、复活节和万圣节被称为三一节,人们会在这些重要的节日里欢聚一堂,共同庆祝。

In the West, Christmas, Easter and Halloween are known as the triple festival, people will gather together to celebrate these important holidays.

3. 今年的三一节真是太特别了!因为在同一天,我们将迎来春分、清明和复活节,这样的组合可是百年难得一遇啊!

This year's triple festival is really special! Because on the same day, we will welcome the spring equinox, Qingming Festival and Easter, such combination is rare in a century!

4. 在传统文化中,春节、清明和端午被称为“三大传统节日”,人们会在这些重要的日子里拜祭祖先、祈求平安和健康。

In traditional Chinese culture, Chinese New Year, Qingming Festival and Dragon Boat Festival are known as the "three major traditional festivals", people will worship their ancestors and pray for peace and health on these important days.

5. 作为一个国际学生,我很享受在异国他乡过三一节的经历。我可以体验不同的文化,并与来自世界各地的朋友们一起庆祝这些节日。

As an international student, I really enjoy celebrating the triple festival in a foreign country. I can experience different cultures and celebrate these holidays with friends from all over the world.


1. 三重节日 (triple festival)

2. 三重庆典 (triple celebration)

3. 三大传统节日 (three major traditional festivals)




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