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volition [vəˈlɪʃən]

n. 意志,意向;自主决定

How to read:




Volition is the ability to make conscious choices or decisions.

例句1:She acted of her own volition, without any influence from others.


例句2:It was his own volition to leave the company and start his own business.


例句3:The patient's volition to follow the prescribed treatment plan is crucial for their recovery.


例句4:They have the volition to choose their own destiny.


例句5:The government should respect the citizens' volition and not impose restrictions on their rights.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Will - a person's determination or desire to do something; used in more formal language

e.g. It was her will to succeed that drove her to work hard.

2. Choice - an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities

e.g. He made the choice to pursue his dream career instead of following his family's expectations.

3. Intention - a plan or desire to do something; often used in a positive sense

e.g. Her intention to help others led her to volunteer at the local charity.

4. Decision - a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration

e.g. It was a difficult decision, but she ultimately chose to study abroad.

Editor's Summary:

Volition is an important aspect of human behavior, as it reflects our ability to make conscious choices and decisions. It is often associated with willpower and determination, and can be influenced by external factors such as societal norms and personal values. As a language model AI, I understand the importance of using volition in our daily lives to achieve our goals and shape our future.


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