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stay real中文翻译,stay real是什么意思,stay real发音、用法及例句

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stay real中文意思翻译



 stay real中文翻译,stay real是什么意思,stay real发音、用法及例句

stay real双语使用场景

1、And the next time the Nasdaq crosses 1587, maybe it will do so with some real conviction, and stay there for more than a few hours.───等纳斯达克指数下一次超过1587点的时候,或许会体现一些真正的信心,更长地停留在那个水平之上,而不是像这次那样只停留几个小时。

2、Even though I didn't stay connected to the real world, I (re) learned a few valuable lessons about work and my place in the grand scheme of things.───虽然我没有与现实社会保持联系,我学到了一些关于工作和在那些宏伟的规划中我的位置的宝贵课程。

3、that you'll stay real just like you are───你会保持真实,就像你现在一样

4、Equally critical is teaching that these technologies will change and that, for students to stay competitive in the real world, they will have to change with these technologies.───同样重要的还有告诉学生,他们学到的这些技术都将发生变化,为了让学生在现实世界中保持竞争力,他们将不得不与这些技术一同改变。

stay real相似词语短语

1、stamp dealer───邮票交易商

2、stay calm───保持冷静

3、starry ray───星光

4、star stream───星流


6、the real───现实

7、stain removal───去污

8、pay deal───工资协议

9、ready meal───即食餐

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