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under_the_premise [ˌʌndər ðə ˈprɛmɪs] (n.) 在某种前提下

怎么读(音标):[ˌʌndər ðə ˈprɛmɪs]



例句1:Under the premise of confidentiality, the company's financial records were only accessible to authorized personnel. (在保密的前提下,公司的财务记录只能被授权人员查阅。)

例句2:The negotiations can only proceed under the premise that both parties agree to the terms and conditions. (谈判只能在双方同意条款和条件的前提下继续。)

例句3:The project was approved under the premise that it would bring economic benefits to the local community. (该项目获得批准是在它能给当地社区带来经济效益的前提下。)

例句4:Under the premise of fairness, all employees are entitled to equal opportunities for promotion. (在公平的前提下,所有员工都有平等的晋升机会。)

例句5:The law was passed under the premise that it would protect citizens' rights and freedoms. (该法律通过是在它能保护公民权利和自由的前提下。)

同义词及用法:under_the_condition_of, on_the_basis_of, with_the_assumption_that

编辑总结:under_the_premise是一个常用的词组,用来表达在某种条件或前提下进行某项活动或决策。它可以用在各种场合,如商务谈判、制定、法律通过等。同义词包括under_the_condition_of, on_the_basis_of, with_the_assumption_that,但它们之间也有些微妙的差别,需要根据具体语境来选择使用。在撰写文章时,要注意使用正确的前提,并且结合上下文来表达清晰的意思。


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