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1. 描述行为:表示做某事时具有安全性,没有危险或风险。

- Please drive safely on the highway. (请在高速公路上安全驾驶。)

- Remember to handle the chemicals safely. (记得要安全地处理化学物质。)

2. 描述状态:表示处于安全的状态,没有受到伤害或危险。

- The children are playing safely in the playground. (孩子们在操场上玩得很安全。)

- The treasure was safely hidden in the cave. (宝藏被安全地藏在了洞穴里。)

3. 描述情况:表示处于安全的环境或条件下,没有受到威胁或危险。

- The soldiers were able to return home safely after the war ended. (战争结束后,士们能够平安回家。)

- We arrived at our destination safely despite the stormy weather. (尽管天气狂风暴雨,我们还是平安到达了目的地。)


1. The firefighters rescued all the people from the burning building safely.


2. The pilot managed to land the plane safely despite the engine failure.


3. The hikers followed the safety instructions and completed the trek safely.


4. The valuable data was backed up and stored safely in multiple locations.


5. Make sure to store your medication safely out of reach of children.



1. Securely:意为“牢固地”,强调稳固、牢靠,常用来描述物品或建筑。

- Please make sure to secure all the windows before leaving the house. (离开房子前请确保把所有窗户都锁好。)

- The safe was securely bolted to the floor. (保险箱被牢固地螺栓在了地板上。)

2. Soundly:意为“健康平安地”,强调身体或的健康状况。

- After a good night's sleep, she woke up feeling soundly and refreshed. (经过一夜的好眠,她醒来感觉身心健康、焕发。)

- The patient was safely and soundly transported to the hospital. (病人被安全地送往医院。)

3. Protected:意为“受保护的”,强调受到保护或防护,常用来描述人或物。

- The endangered species are now well protected in this national park. (这些濒危物种现在在这个公园得到了很好的保护。)

- The confidential information was kept protected from unauthorized access. (机密信息被保护起来,防止未经授权的访问。)




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