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overweight是指体重超过正常范围的情况,通常是由于摄入的热量超过消耗的热量而导致身体脂肪积累过多。在医学上,overweight被定义为BMI(Body Mass Index,身量指数)大于或等于25。






1. 作为形容词,表示“超重的”、“肥胖的”,如:

- She is overweight and needs to lose some weight. (她超重了,需要减肥。)

- The doctor told him that he was overweight and needed to change his diet. (医生告诉他他超重了,需要改变饮食习惯。)

2. 作为名词,指“超重状态”,如:

- The number of people who are overweight has been increasing in recent years.(近年来,超重人群数量一直在增加。)

- Being overweight can increase the risk of developing certain health problems. (超重可能会增加患上某些健康问题的风险。)

3. 作为动词,表示“使变得肥胖”,如:

- He was worried that the high-calorie diet would overweight him. (他担心高热量饮食会让他变得肥胖。)


1. The doctor told her that she was slightly overweight, but it was nothing to worry about. (医生告诉她,她稍微有点超重,但不用担心。)

2. Being overweight can lead to many health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. (超重会导致很多健康问题,比如糖尿病和心脏病。)

3. The study found that people who are overweight have a higher risk of developing cancer. (这项研究,超重的人患癌症的风险更高。)

4. She has been struggling with being overweight for years, but she finally lost the extra pounds through diet and exercise. (多年来,她一直为超重而苦恼,但最终通过饮食和锻炼减掉了多余的体重。)

5. Overweight children are more likely to be bullied at school because of their appearance. (超重的孩子更容易在学校受到欺负,因为他们的外表。)


1. obese:肥胖的;肥胖者

- He is obese and needs to lose weight for the sake of his health.


2. heavy:过重的;沉甸甸的

- She is heavy for her age, but she is still very active.


3. plump:丰满的;胖乎乎的

- The baby is so plump and cute.


4. overweighted:过重的

- The suitcase is overweighted, so I had to pay an extra fee at the airport.





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