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英文:The "unity of man and nature" world view refers to a philosophical concept that sees human beings and nature as an inseparable whole. Human beings and the natural world are interdependent and mutually influential, together forming a complete world. This viewpoint emphasizes the importance of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, advocating respect for nature and environmental protection.

音标:[ðeɪˈɜrθ ˈjuːnɪti əv mæn ænd ˈneɪtʃər]


读作:[ðeɪˈɜrθ ˈjuːnɪti əv mæn ænd ˈneɪtʃər]




1. "天人合一"的理念在传统文化中有着深远的影响。 The concept of "unity of man and nature" has a profound influence in traditional Chinese culture.

2. 古代哲学家们强调了人类与自然之间的和谐关系,提倡"天人合一"的观点。 Ancient philosophers emphasized the harmonious relationship between humans and nature, advocating the viewpoint of "unity of man and nature."

3. 保护环境是实现"天人合一"的重要步骤,我们应该尊重自然、爱护地球。 Protecting the environment is an important step towards achieving "unity of man and nature," and we should respect nature and take care of our planet.

4. 只有当我们意识到人类与自然是不可分割的整体,才能真正实现"天人合一"。 Only when we realize that humans and nature are inseparable can we truly achieve "unity of man and nature."

5. 我们应该学习如何与自然和谐共处,实现"天人合一"的目标。 We should learn how to live in harmony with nature, in order to achieve the goal of "unity of man and nature."


1. 天地共生 (coexistence of heaven and earth)

2. 人与自然的和谐 (harmony between man and nature)

3. 自然人合一 (unity of nature and man)

4. 天人合流 (merging of heaven and man)

5. 人与自然的统一 (unity of man and nature)




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