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- chief_executive_officer是什么意思


- chief_executive_offi的意思


chief_executive_offi是chief executive officer的缩写形式,它指的是一位担任CEO职位的人。

- 怎么读(音标)

chief executive officer [tʃif ɪkˈsekjətɪv ˈɔfɪsər]

- 用法

chief executive officer通常用作职位名称,在商业和企业领域非常常见。它可以指代任何行业或组织中的最高管理者,如大型跨国公司、小型创业公司、非营利组织等。

- 例句1-5句且中英对照

1. The board of directors has appointed John as the new chief executive officer of the company. (董事会已任命约翰为该公司的新首席执行官。)

2. The chief executive officer is responsible for setting and implementing the company's overall strategy. (首席执行官负责制定并实施公司的整体战略。)

3. As the chief executive officer, Sarah oversees all operations and makes key decisions for the organization. (作为首席执行官,萨拉监督所有运营,并为组织做出重要决策。)

4. The chief executive officer is often the public face of the company and represents it at important events and meetings. (首席执行官通常是公司的公众形象,公司参加重要活动和。)

5. The chief executive officer's compensation package includes a base salary, bonuses, and stock options. (首席执行官的薪酬套餐包括基本工资、奖金和股票期权。)

- 同义词及用法

1. CEO (chief executive officer的缩写形式,用法同上)

2. President (总裁,有时也被用来指代CEO)

3. Managing Director (董事总经理,通常在欧洲和亚洲使用)

4. Executive Director (执行董事,通常在非营利组织中使用)

5. Chairman/Chairwoman (董事长/董事长女士,在某些情况下也可以指代CEO)

- 编辑总结

作为一家公司最高管理者的chief executive officer扮演着至关重要的角色。他们负责制定公司整体战略、监督运营、做出重大决策,并公司与外界沟通。这个职位在商业和企业领域非常普遍,因此掌握其含义和用法对于从事相关行业的人来说非常重要。


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