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caught_up是一个动词短语,意思是“被卷入(某种情况);忙于(某件事)”。中文意思为“被追赶上;陷入(某种情况)”。音标为/kɔːt ʌp/。


读音为/kɔːt ʌp/,其中的“a”发长音,重音在第一音节。



caught_up常用于被动语态,表示某人或某物被卷入或陷入某种情况。也可以用作及物动词,表示忙于做某件事。常见搭配有be caught up in sth.和get caught up in sth.。


1. She was caught up in the excitement of the party and forgot to call her parents. (她被派对的兴奋氛围所吸引,忘记给父母打了。)

2. The company is caught up in a financial crisis and may have to lay off some employees. (该公司陷入了财务危机,可能不得不裁员。)

3. I got caught up in the traffic jam and missed my flight. (我被交通堵塞所困住,错过了我的航班。)

4. The children were so caught up in playing that they didn't notice it was getting dark outside. (孩子们玩得太入迷,没有注意到外面已经变暗了。)

5. The politician was caught up in a corruption scandal and had to resign from his position. (这位家卷入了一场丑闻,不得不辞去职务。)


1. Involved in:意为“参与;涉及”,常用于被动语态,表示某人或某物被卷入某种情况。:She was involved in a car accident last night. (昨晚她卷入了一场车祸。)

2. Engrossed in:意为“全神贯注于;专心于”,常用于被动语态,表示某人或某物被卷入某件事情中。:The students were engrossed in the lecture and didn't notice the time passing. (学生们全神贯注地听讲座,没有注意到时间的流逝。)

3. Caught in:意为“陷入;受困于”,常用于被动语态,表示某人或某物被困在某种情况中。:The hikers were caught in a snowstorm and had to spend the night outdoors. (徒步旅行者陷入了暴风雪中,不得不在户外过夜。)


caught_up是一个常用的动词短语,意思是“被卷入(某种情况);忙于(某件事)”。常用于被动语态,表示某人或某物被卷入或陷入某种情况。也可以用作及物动词,表示忙于做某件事。常见搭配有be caught up in sth.和get caught up in sth.。同义词有involved in、engrossed in和caught in。在撰写文章时,建议多使用被动语态,避免重复使用动词短语。


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