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associations [əˌsoʊsiˈeɪʃənz] 是名词,意思是“联合;协会;关联”。



用法:associations 可以用来表示人们之间的关系、组织或者团体之间的,也可以表示事物之间的相关性。

例句1:The association between smoking and lung cancer has been proven by numerous studies.(吸烟和肺癌之间的关联已被多项研究证实。)

例句2:She is a member of the student association at her university.(她是她所在大学的学生协会成员。)

例句3:The association between the two companies will bring about many benefits.(这两家公司之间的将带来许多好处。)

例句4:He has a close association with his colleagues and they often work together on projects.(他与同事有着密切的关系,他们经常一起合作完成项目。)

例句5:The association of red with love is common in many cultures.(红色与爱情的在许多文化中都很普遍。)

同义词及用法:association 还可以用来表示“友谊;交往”,:“She has a strong association with her childhood friends.”(她与童年朋友有着很深厚的友谊。)此外,association 还可以用来表示“组合;结合”,:“The new product is a perfect association of style and functionality.”(这款新产品完美地结合了风格和功能。)

编辑总结:associations 是一个多义词,可以表示人与人之间的关系、组织或者团体之间的,也可以表示事物之间的相关性。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的意思来使用该词,并且注意与其他同义词的区别。


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