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associate__with是什么意思,中文意思是与...有关联;与...在一起;和...交往;和...合作。英文意思是to connect or bring into relation, as thought, feeling, memory, etc.。

怎么读(音标):[əˈsoʊʃieɪt wɪð]



例句1:She enjoys associating with people from different cultures. 她喜欢和来自不同文化的人交往。

She is not the type of person who likes to associate with negative people. 她不喜欢和消极的人交往。

例句2:I always associate this song with my childhood memories. 我总是把这首歌和我的童年回忆在一起。

He is often associated with success and wealth. 他常被人们认为和成功、财富有关联。

例句3:The company has decided to associate with a well-known brand to expand its market share. 公司决定与知名品牌合作,以扩大市场份额。

He has been associated with this project since the beginning. 他从一开始就参与了这个项目。

例句4:As a language model AI, I am able to associate words and phrases in a natural and coherent way. 作为一个语言模型AI,我能够自然而连贯地词语和短语。

She is good at associating different pieces of information to solve problems. 她擅长把不同的信息起来解决问题。

例句5:I don't want to be associated with that scandal. 我不想和那个丑闻扯上关系。

The company has been associated with charity events for many years. 这家公司多年来一直参与慈善活动。

同义词及用法:connect, relate, link, join, combine



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