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have some juice网络释义喝点果汁例句Have some juice please!请喝一些果汁吧!May I have some juice?我能喝些果汁吗?Mom, why can't I have some juice?妈咪我不能喝果汁吗?Have some juice, please.请喝一杯果汁。So we can have some juice.我们好喝杯果汁呀!I'm sorry. Can I have some juice piease?对不起。我能喝点果汁吗?Mum, can I have some juice, please?妈妈,请能我一些水果汁?I have got some orange juice. Do you want some?我有些桔子汁。你要不要来一点?Then we have no other choice but only some juice.那么我们除去喝点饮料之外别无选择了。Please may I have some grapefruit juice?我能喝点葡萄柚汁吗?May I have some apple juice please?请给我一些苹果汁。I think I'll have some orange juice.我想喝橙汁。I want to have some hotdogs and juice for breakfast.我早餐想吃热狗,喝橘汁。



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