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yǐn huì


1. adj. 不明显的,晦涩的

2. v. 隐藏,掩盖

1. The meaning of "隐晦" is not obvious and difficult to understand.


2. This word is pronounced as "yǐn huì" with the third tone.

这个词的发音为"yǐn huì",读作第三声。

3. 用法:

(1) 形容词:指事物不明显或难以理解。

(2) 动词:指将事实等隐藏起来。

4. 例句:

(1) 那个电影里有很多隐晦的暗示,需要仔细观察才能理解。

There are many subtle hints in that movie, which require careful observation to understand.

(2) 他总是喜欢用隐晦的方式表达自己的想法,让人琢磨不透。

He always likes to express his thoughts in a subtle way, making it hard for others to figure out.

5. 同义词及用法:

(1) 晦涩 (huì sè): 形容言语或文字含义深奥、难以理解。

(2) 模糊 (mó hu): 形容事物不清晰、不明确。

(3) 隐藏 (yǐn cáng): 动词,指将事实等掩盖起来,使不易被。

6. 编辑总结:



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