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chūn jiǎn


1. 春茧的意思是指某些昆虫在春季孵化出来后,用其分泌的丝绸制作的外壳。它是一种保护性的结构,可以让昆虫在生长过程中得到保护。

2. 春茧还可以指人们在夏季收获桑叶后,将其晾干并用于养蚕时所制作的蚕茧。


3. 在日常生活中,春茧也可以比喻为某种保护性的结构或环境。

1. The meaning of "春茧" refers to the outer shell made by some insects with their secreted silk after hatching in spring. It is a protective structure that can provide protection for insects during their growth.

2. "春茧" can also refer to the cocoons made from dried mulberry leaves, which are used for raising silkworms after being harvested in summer.

3. In daily life, "春茧" can also be used as a metaphor for a protective structure or environment.

1. 蚕妈妈为了保护自己和未出生的宝宝,会在春天制作一层坚固的春茧。

The mother silkworm will make a strong cocoon in spring to protect herself and her unborn babies.

2. 农民们在夏季收获桑叶后,会将其晾干并用于养蚕,制作出精美的春茧。

Farmers will dry mulberry leaves in summer and use them for raising silkworms, producing beautiful cocoons.

3. 这个小镇的环境就像是一层保护性的春茧,让人感觉安全和舒适。

The environment of this town is like a protective cocoon, making people feel safe and comfortable.

4. 她把自己包裹在一层春茧里,不愿意和外界发生任何。

She wrapped herself in a cocoon and refused to have any contact with the outside world.

5. 这部电影讲述了一个人在困境中如何打破自己的春茧,最终获得成功的故事。

This movie tells the story of how a person breaks out of their cocoon in adversity and eventually achieves success.


1. 蚕茧 (cán jiǎn):指用于养蚕的桑叶制作的蚕茧。与“春茧”相似,但更加专业化。

2. 茧 (jiǎn):指某些昆虫或动物在生长过程中制作的保护性结构。与“春茧”的意思相同,但更加广泛。

3. 茧子 (jiǎn zi):与“春茧”意思相同,但通常用于口语表达。




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