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chūn xīn mò gòng huā zhēng fā



【读音】chūn xīn mò gòng huā zhēng fā,音标:[ʈʂʰwə̌n ɕín mò kòŋ xwá ʈʂə́ŋ fā]



1. 春天来了,大家都兴奋得像春天的花朵一样,但是我们要记住春心莫共花争发,保持平静的心态。

Spring is here, everyone is as excited as the flowers in spring, but we must remember not to compete with the flowers and maintain a calm state of mind.

2. 在这个繁忙的都市里,我们往往会被琳琅满目的美景所吸引,但是也要记得春心莫共花争发,保持自己的节奏。

In this busy city, we are often attracted by the beautiful scenery, but we must also remember not to compete with the flowers and maintain our own pace.

3. 春天是个充满生机和希望的季节,但是我们也要记住春心莫共花争发,不要被外界的浮华所迷惑。

Spring is a season full of vitality and hope, but we must also remember not to compete with the flowers and not be swayed by the external glamour.

4. 虽然春天的气息让人心旷神怡,但是我们也要保持平静的心态,春心莫共花争发。

Although the breath of spring is refreshing, we must also maintain a calm state of mind and not compete with the flowers.

5. 春天是一个美好的季节,但是我们要学会自己的情绪,春心莫共花争发。

Spring is a beautiful season, but we must learn to control our emotions and not compete with the flowers.


1. 心平气和

2. 淡定自若

3. 保持冷静

4. 安之若素

5. 不动声色




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