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北美自由贸易区(North American Free Trade Agreement,简称NAFTA)是指北美洲三个(加拿大、美国和墨西哥)之间达成的贸易协定。该协定于1994年1月1日生效,旨在促进北美洲三国之间的贸易自由化和经济一体化。

读音:[ˈnɔːθ əˈmerɪkən friː ˈtreɪd əɡriːmənt]




1. The North American Free Trade Agreement has greatly benefited the economies of Canada, the United States, and Mexico.


2. The negotiations for the North American Free Trade Agreement were long and difficult, but ultimately successful.


3. The North American Free Trade Agreement has eliminated many trade barriers between the three countries.


4. The North American Free Trade Agreement has led to increased investment and job opportunities in all three countries.


5. The North American Free Trade Agreement has faced criticism from some groups who believe it has negatively impacted certain industries.


同义词及用法:北美自由贸易区的同义词包括North American Trade Agreement、NAFTA和North American Agreement。它们都指代同一项协定,可以互换使用。

编辑总结:北美自由贸易区是指加拿大、美国和墨西哥三个之间达成的贸易协定,旨在促进三国之间的贸易自由化和经济一体化。它的缩写为NAFTA,在正式场合也可以简称为“北美贸易协定”。该协定的实施带来了许多好处,但也受到一些批评。其同义词包括North American Trade Agreement、NAFTA和North American Agreement。


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