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1. stubborn是一个形容词,意思是“固执的,顽固的”,指一个人或动物坚持自己的想法或行为,不易被说服或改变。也可以用来形容事物坚硬难以弯曲或移动。

2. 读音:[ˈstʌbərn]

3. 词组近义词:

- obstinate:形容人时和stubborn意思相同,但也可以指顽固的事物。:He is obstinate and refuses to listen to anyone.(他很顽固,谁都不听。)

- headstrong:比stubborn更强调个性倔强、自以为是。:She's a headstrong girl who always insists on doing things her way.(她是一个很倔强的女孩,总是坚持按照自己的方式做事。)

- inflexible:形容人时和stubborn意思相同,但更多指态度、立场等方面的坚定不变。:The boss is inflexible and never listens to others' opinions.(老板很固执,从不听取别人的意见。)




1. stubborn作为形容词时常用来修饰人或动物。:

- My son is so stubborn that he refuses to eat anything he doesn't like.(我儿子太固执了,他不喜欢的东西一口都不吃。)

- The horse was too stubborn to move, no matter how hard I pulled on the reins.(那匹马太顽固了,无论我怎么拉缰绳它都不肯动。)

2. 也可以用来形容事物难以弯曲或移动。:

- The door was stuck because of the stubborn rust.(门因为顽固的锈而卡住了。)

- It took us hours to remove the stubborn stain from the carpet.(我们花了几个小时才把地毯上顽固的污渍清除干净。)


1. She's so stubborn that she never listens to anyone else's advice.(她太固执了,从不听取别人的建议。)

2. The cat is so stubborn that it refuses to come down from the tree.(这只猫太顽固了,它不肯从树上下来。)

3. The old man is known for his stubbornness, he never changes his mind once he has made a decision.(这位老人以顽固著称,一旦做出决定就再也不会改变主意。)

4. It's no use arguing with him, he's as stubborn as a mule and won't change his mind.(和他争论没用,他像头骡子一样固执,不会改变主意。)

5. The stubborn stain on my shirt finally came out after I used a special detergent.(我用了特殊的洗涤剂,终于把衬衫上顽固的污渍洗掉了。)


1. obstinate:形容人时和stubborn意思相同,但也可以指顽固的事物。:He is obstinate and refuses to listen to anyone.(他很顽固,谁都不听。)

2. headstrong:比stubborn更强调个性倔强、自以为是。:She's a headstrong girl who always insists on doing things her way.(她是一个很倔强的女孩,总是坚持按照自己的方式做事。)

3. inflexible:形容人时和stubborn意思相同,但更多指态度、立场等方面的坚定不变。:The boss is inflexible and never listens to others' opinions.(老板很固执,从不听取别人的意见。)

4. unyielding:和stubborn意思相似,但更多指坚定不移、毫不妥协。:She was unyielding in her determination to finish the project on time.(她决心按时完成这个项目,毫不妥协。)

5. dogged:指坚定不移、不屈不挠。:He showed a dogged determination to succeed despite all the obstacles.(尽管遇到了种种困难,他仍然表现出顽强的决心要成功。)




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