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noun. 蜘蛛;引擎蜘蛛;跑车型号;短跑运动员


1. A spider is a small creature with eight long legs. It has a round body and its legs are used to catch insects for food.


2. Spider is a program that searches the Internet for information and returns it to the user.


3. Spider is a type of car with a very light frame and powerful engine, designed for high speed and quick acceleration.


4. Spider is a slang term for someone who runs or sprints very quickly, especially in sports.


Synonyms: arachnid, web crawler, roadster, sprinter.


As an online dictionary editor and translator, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the word "spider" in all its various meanings and contexts. In this article, we will explore the different definitions of "spider" and provide examples of its usage in both English and Chinese. We will also discuss its synonyms and provide a brief summary of the word.

Firstly, "spider" refers to a small creature with eight long legs, commonly known as a spider. It is characterized by its round body and ability to spin webs to catch insects for food. In Chinese, "蜘蛛" (zhī zhū) is the equivalent term for spider.

Example sentence: The children were fascinated by the spider crawling on the wall.


Secondly, "spider" can also refer to a program used in search engines that crawls through websites to gather information. This type of spider is also known as a web crawler. It is an essential tool for search engines as it helps them index and rank websites based on their content. In Chinese, "网络爬虫" (wǎng luò pá chóng) is the term used for web crawler.

Example sentence: The search engine's spider crawled through thousands of websites to find relevant information.


Thirdly, "spider" can also refer to a type of car with a lightweight frame and powerful engine designed for high speed and quick acceleration. This type of car is often referred to as a roadster or sports car. In Chinese, "跑车" (pǎo chē) or "公路赛车" (gōng lù sài chē) are the terms used for this type of car.

Example sentence: He drove his new spider down the highway at speed.


Lastly, "spider" is also a slang term for someone who runs or sprints very quickly, especially in sports. This term is often used to describe fast runners or athletes who excel in short distance races. In Chinese, "短跑运动员" (duǎn pǎo yùn dòng yuán) is the equivalent term for spider.

Example sentence: The sprinter was nicknamed "Spider" for his lightning-fast speed on the track.


Synonyms for "spider" include arachnid, web crawler, roadster, and sprinter. These terms can be used interchangeably depending on the context and meaning of the word.

In conclusion, as an online dictionary editor and translator, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the word "spider" and its various meanings and contexts. From its literal meaning as a small creature with eight legs to its slang usage to describe fast runners or athletes, "spider" is a versatile word that can be used in different ways. By providing examples of its usage in both English and Chinese and discussing its synonyms, we hope this article has helped you gain a better understanding of the word "spider".


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