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1. take took taken take A for B / back / in /action (steps, measures)

2. ●talent n. 天资, 天赋; 人才


Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time; a man of talent tries to use it. He is a talent but he always hides his light under a bushel.

3. ◎taste n. I don’t like the taste of olives(橄榄).

I have lost my sense of taste. Modern art is not to everyone’s taste.

v. Taste it and you will find it delicious. The dish tastes delicious.

v. 撕毁 撕破;移开 扯掉 tore torn

I tore the letter in half/ into halves. tear up / sth into pieces / down/ open

n. 眼泪 burst into tears He left the room in tears. The story will move you to tears.

5. tell v. told told告诉 ;讲述 表述 ; 辨别

tell sb sth / tell sth to sb tell the truth/ lies I can’t tell you how happy I am.

tell A from B Can you tell the differences between . and

6. ●tend v. 易于; 倾向于; 照料, 看管

The sort of music I listen to varies, but it tends to/towards light music.

tend to do sth、 I tend to see pictures in my mind when I am reading or listening. Women tend to live longer than men. I’d tend the store while you’re away. tend to the sick

7. ●terrify vt. 使人感到恐怖

The creature, which is unusually large and strong, is extremely ugly, and terrifies all those who

see it .(短)be terrified at 被…吓了一跳 We were terrified at the deafening explosion.

n.测验 考查;化验;检验 考验 take a test a test for Aids

The match is a real test of character for us.

v. 测验;(身体)检查;测试;考验

test your English test sb’s eyesight / hearing

You should test your brakes regularly.

The long climb tested our fitness and energy.

9. thank n. Thanks to a lot of hard work, we succeed. How can I express my thanks to you?

v. thank sb for sth / doing sth

10. think v. thought thought 认为;思考 I think so ./ I don’t think so .

think of / about / for yourself/ over / of…as

thinking n. 思维 思想;想法 见解 I had to do some quick thinking.

adj. 渴的;渴望 渴求 We were hungry and thirsty.

He is thirsty for money / power. have a thirst for knowledge 渴求知识

12. thought n. 思考,思想,念头

On second thought(s)(再一想,转念一想),he decided to accept his invitation.

deep in thought= lost in thought 沉思

13. throughout prep. 遍及,贯穿 throughout the night整夜 throughout the town全城

( threw/ thrown) 扔,投 throw up呕吐 throw off 匆忙脱

throw sth out随口说出 throw at/to sb 扔给某人

15. thus ad. 这样(=in this way); 因而(=so) He studied hard; thus he got high marks.

He hanged himself on the tree, thus ending his life.

n. 领带,关系,结,平局 v. (用绳,线) 系,拴,扎,打成平局,得分相等 (tied/tied/tying)

The match ended in a tie. 比赛打成平局

Our team tied (with) their team.=Our team was tied with their team. 打成平局

Please tie the horse to the tree. 把马拴到树上

17. time n. 时间,时期,次数,倍数;v. 测定时间,记录时间

all the time=always 一直 ahead of time= in advance提前

at a time 一次 at one time从前,一度

at times=sometimes有时候 from time to time 不时的,时而,偶尔

in no time立刻,马上 in time及时,迟早

in time for sth来得及干某事 Time is up.时间到

on time 准时 take one’s time慢慢来 waste no

time (in) doing赶紧干某事 It is (high) time (that) we started.该干某事了

At no time have I said such a thing.我决没有说过这种话。(决没有,决不)

It is the first time (that) I have read such a book.我第一次读这样的书

18. tip n. 顶端,尖端,告诫,建议,提示,小费

19. ●tire v. 使疲惫,使厌倦 tired // tiring adj. 疲惫的,厌倦的 // 令人疲惫的,

tiredness n. 疲惫 Sth tire sb out. 某事使某人疲惫

Sb be tired out 某人疲惫了 Sb be tired of n/doing 某人厌倦了某事

Sb be tired with/from n/doing 某人因某事疲惫

20. ◎toast )祝酒 drink a toast to…. 2)烤面包片 a piece of toast

)为…干杯 2)烤(面包) a toasted sandwich

21. ● tolerate v. 容忍, 宽容; 经受, 忍受;

Those who know how to tolerate others can naturally lead a happy life.

22. the day after tomorrow后天

23. tongue n. 舌头,语言 mother tongue=native language母语


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