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近义词包括:favored, chosen, selected, favored by, favored above。




1. 作形容词时,preferred通常修饰名词,表示“被偏爱的”,“被优先选择的”。:

- My preferred brand of coffee is Starbucks.(我最喜欢的咖啡品牌是星巴克。)

- She is the preferred candidate for the job.(她是这份工作的首选候选人。)

2. 作动词时,preferred后面通常接不定式或介词短语,表示“更喜欢”,“更偏爱”。:

- I prefer to stay at home than go out with my friends.(我更喜欢待在家里而不是和朋友出去。)

- He prefers his coffee with milk and sugar.(他更喜欢加了牛奶和糖的咖啡。)


1. My preferred mode of transportation is cycling.(我最喜欢的出行方式是骑自行车。)

2. She preferred to spend her weekends reading rather than going out.(她更喜欢在周末看书而不是出去。)

3. The company's preferred candidate for the position has already been chosen.(公司已经选定了这个职位的首选候选人。)

4. I prefer to use organic products for my skincare routine.(我更喜欢使用有机产品来护肤。)

5. My preferred choice of music is classical, but I also enjoy pop music occasionally.(我最喜欢的音乐类型是古典音乐,但偶尔也会享受流行音乐。)


1. favored:意为“受到偏爱的”,“被喜爱的”。常用于被动语态中,表示某人或某物受到青睐或支持。:

- The new policy is favored by the majority of the employees.(大多数员工支持这项新。)

- He is the favored candidate for the promotion.(他是晋升的首选候选人。)

2. chosen:意为“被选择的”,“被挑选出来的”。常用于形容受到认可或赞许的人或事物。:

- This is the chosen design for our company's new logo.(这是我们公司新标志的选择设计。)

- She was the chosen one to lead the project team.(她被选定为领导项目团队的人。)

3. selected:意为“被挑选出来的”,“被精心挑选的”。常用于强调经过仔细考虑或筛选后的选择。:

- The selected candidates will be invited for a final interview.(被选中的候选人将被邀请参加最后一轮面试。)

- This is a selection of the best wines from around the world.(这是来自世界各地最好的葡萄酒精心挑选出来的。)

4. favored by:意为“受到青睐的”,“深受喜爱的”。常用于表示某人或某物受到广泛认可或喜爱。:

- This brand is favored by many celebrities.(这个品牌深受许多名人喜爱。)

- The company's products are favored by customers for their high quality and reasonable price.(该公司产品因其高质量和合理价格而受到顾客青睐。)

5. favored above:意为“高于其他选择”,“优先于其他选择”。常用于表示某人或某物在多个选择中排名第一。:

- She was favored above all other candidates for the job.(她在所有候选人中排名第一,获得了这份工作。)

- This restaurant is favored above all others in the city for its delicious food and excellent service.(这家餐厅因其美味的食物和优质的服务而在城市中排名第一。)


preferred是一个常用的英文单词,意为“首选的”,“优先的”。它可以作为形容词或动词使用,用于表示某人或某物受到偏爱、优先选择或更喜欢。除了常见的近义词外,还可以使用favored, chosen, selected, favored by, favored above等表达相似的意思。在写作时,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来丰富表达,从而使文章更加生动有趣。


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