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词组近义词:incursion, raid, aggression, encroachment, infiltration




1. 作为名词时:

(1)invasion of + 地点/:入侵某地/

- The invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 marked the beginning of World War II.


- The invasion of privacy is a serious violation of human rights.


(2)invasion into + 地点/:侵入某地/

- The Chinese army launched an invasion into India's territory.


- The company was accused of invasion into the compe's market.


2. 作为动词时:

(1)invasion of + 地点/:入侵某地/

- The enemy forces invaded our country last night.


- The virus has invaded her body and caused serious damage to her organs.


(2)invasion into + 地点/:侵入某地/

- The troops invaded into the enemy's territory under the cover of darkness.


- The company is planning to invade into the international market next year.



1. The invasion of Normandy by Allied forces in 1944 was a turning point in World War II. (1944年盟对诺曼底的进攻是第二次世界大战的转折点。)

2. The country was on high alert for a possible invasion from the neighboring country. (这个处于高度戒备状态,以防邻国发动进攻。)

3. The invasive species have caused serious damage to the local ecosystem. (外来物种对当地生态造成了严重的损害。)

4. The company is facing an invasion of privacy lawsuit from its customers. (该公司正面临来自顾客的隐私侵犯诉讼。)

5. The government condemned the invasion of its airspace by foreign military planes. (谴责外国机入侵其领空。)


1. incursion:指突然的、短暂的入侵,通常用于指上的袭击。

- The enemy made an unexpected incursion into our territory and caused chaos.


- The government's incursion into the protesters' camp led to violent clashes.


2. raid:指突然而有计划的袭击,通常用于指抢劫、劫掠等非性质的行为。

- The gang carried out a series of raids on wealthy households in the city.


- The police conducted a raid on the drug lord's hideout and arrested several suspects.


3. aggression:指敌对的、有攻击性的行为。

- The country was accused of aggression against its neighboring countries.


- The child's aggression towards his classmates is causing concern among his teachers.


4. encroachment:指逐步侵占或侵入,通常用于指非法占用他人土地或。

- The company's expansion has led to the encroachment of the nearby wetlands.


- The government is taking measures to prevent the encroachment of its borders by illegal immigrants.


5. infiltration:指潜入或渗透,通常用于指秘密渗透到敌方内部。

- The spy managed to infiltrate into the enemy camp and gather important information.


- The terrorist group has been trying to infiltrate into our country through illegal immigration channels.





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