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comeup的音标为/kʌm ʌp/。


1. 作为动词时,comeup的基本意思是“出现;发生”。它可以指某件事情突然出现或发生,也可以指某人突然出现或到达某个地方。:


- The sun came up and the birds started singing.(太阳升起了,鸟儿开始唱歌。)

- He suddenly came up with a brilliant idea.(他突然想出了一个绝妙的主意。)

- I'll come up to your office tomorrow to discuss it with you.(明天我会到你办公室和你讨论这件事。)

2. 在口语中,comeup还可以表示“提出;提及”。:

- She came up with a suggestion for our project.(她提出了一个关于我们项目的建议。)

- Don't come up with any excuses this time.(这次不要再找任何借口了。)

3. 另外,在某些特定的场景中,comeup还有特殊的用法。比如,在体育比赛中,如果一支球队追平了对手的得分或者进球数,我们可以说该球队“come up”了。:

- The home team came up in the second half and won the game.(主队在下半场追平比分并赢得了比赛。)

4. 作为名词时,comeup指的是“出现;发生的事情”。:

- The comeup of new technologies has greatly improved our lives.(新技术的出现极大地改善了我们的生活。)

- I didn't expect such a comeup in my career.(我没想到我的事业会有这样的发展。)


1. The opportunity to travel to Japan came up unexpectedly, so I quickly packed my bags and left.(去日本旅行的机会突然出现,所以我赶紧收拾行李离开了。)

2. He came up to me at the party and introduced himself as an old friend of mine.(在派对上,他走向我并介绍自己是我的老朋友。)

3. The company has come up with a new marketing strategy to attract more customers.(公司提出了一项新的营销策略来吸引更多客户。)

4. After a long period of hard work, she finally came up in her career and became a successful businesswoman.(经过长时间的努力工作,她终于在事业上取得了成功,成为一名成功的女商人。)

5. The comeup of social media has changed the way we communicate with each other.(社交媒体的出现改变了我们彼此沟通的方式。)


1. appear:意为“出现;显露”。与comeup相比,appear更常用于描述物体或人的外观、形象等方面。:

- The moon appeared from behind the clouds.(月亮从云层后面出现了。)

- She appeared in a beautiful red dress.(她穿着一条漂亮的红裙子出现了。)

2. arise:意为“发生;出现”。与comeup相比,arise更侧重于突然发生的事情,常用于描述问题、困难等不良情况。:

- A problem arose during the project and we had to find a solution quickly.(项目中出现了一个问题,我们必须快速找到解决办法。)

- A new opportunity arose for me to study abroad.(我有了一个出国留学的新机会。)

3. emerge:意为“浮现;显露”。与comeup相比,emerge更多指事物从隐藏状态中逐渐显露出来。:

- The sun emerged from behind the clouds and shone on the lake.(太阳从云层后面浮现并照耀在湖面上。)

- The truth finally emerged after months of investigation.(经过数月的调查,终于浮出水面。)

4. materialize:意为“实现;变为现实”。与comeup相比,materialize更侧重于指某件事情由想法或计划变为真实的状态。:

- The plan to expand the business finally materialized.(扩大业务的计划终于变为现实。)

- His dream of becoming a doctor never materialized.(他成为医生的梦想从未实现过。)




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