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inthebeginning是一个英文短语,意思是“在开始时”,常用来指某个事物或过程的最初阶段或起始点。它可以作为名词、形容词或副词使用。近义词包括:at the start, at the outset, initially。


inthebeginning的音标为 /ɪn ðə bɪˈgɪnɪŋ/。



1. 作为名词,表示某个事物或过程的起始阶段或起点。

例句:In the beginning, I struggled with this project, but now I have a better understanding of it.(起初我对这个项目很困难,但现在我对它有了更好的理解。)

2. 作为形容词,表示某个事物或过程最初的、起始的。

例句:The beginning stages of this project were challenging.(这个项目的最初阶段很具有挑战性。)

3. 作为副词,表示某个动作发生时的时间点。

例句:I arrived at the party inthebeginning and left early.(我一开始就到了派对,并且提前离开了。)


1. In the beginning, we were all excited about the new project, but as time went on, we faced many challenges.(起初,我们对这个新项目都很兴奋,但随着时间的推移,我们遇到了许多挑战。)

2. The beginning stages of learning a new language can be difficult, but don't give up.(学习一门新语言的最初阶段可能很困难,但不要放弃。)

3. Inthebeginning, I didn't understand the instructions, but after reading them again, it became clear.(起初我不理解这些说明,但再读一遍后就明白了。)

4. At the beginning of the movie, the main character is introduced as a successful businessman.(电影一开始,主角被介绍为一个成功的商人。)

5. The company faced financial difficulties in its beginning years, but now it is thriving.(公司在创立初期面临财务困难,但现在发展得很好。)


1. at the start:与inthebeginning意思相同,表示某事物或过程的起始阶段。

例句:At the start of the race, all the runners were full of energy and determination.

2. at the outset:也与inthebeginning意思相同,表示某事物或过程的起始点。

例句:At the outset of our relationship, we faced many challenges.

3. initially:意为“最初”,常用来描述某个动作或状态发生时的最初阶段。

例句:Initially, I was hesitant to take on this project, but now I'm glad I did.


inthebeginning是一个常用的英文短语,意为“在开始时”,可以作为名词、形容词或副词使用。它的近义词包括:at the start,at the outset,initially。在句子中的用法也有所不同,但都与起始阶段或起点有关。作为一个网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确理解单词和短语的含义,并且能够根据上下文选择合适的近义词来增强表达的准确性和多样性。同时,也要注意单词的用法和读音,以便更好地理解和运用它们。


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