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1. 考点出处:Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. (P2) 考点提炼:动名词作主语。 考点梳理:动名词作主语,表示习惯的行为,具有一般性或经常性(此时谓语用单数)。 Studying English is very important. 学英语很重要。 考点串联:动名词作主语时,常用以下的结构:It’s no use / no good / a waste of time doing sth. 。如:It’s no help crying for what has been done.为已做过的事哭泣是于事无补的。 考点例析:Fishing is his favourite hobby, and ________ . (2001 上海) A. he’d like to collect coins as well B. he feels like collecting coins, too C. to collect coins is also his hobby D. collecting coins also gives him great pleasure 解析:选D。句意为“钓鱼是他最大的爱好,收集硬币也给了他很大的乐趣。”V-ing形式和不定式都可以做主语,一般可以互换,但有时又略有区别。动词V-ing形式做主语往往表示一般或抽象的多次行为,不定式做主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。 考点纠错:吸烟是一个很难克服的习惯。 误:To smoke is a very difficult habit to give up. 正:Smoking is a very difficult habit to give up. 考点提醒:注意分析动名词和不定式做主语的区别。 2. 考点出处:This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 . (P2) 考点提炼:mean的用法。 考点梳理:mean用做动词,表示“指的是,意思是”,后常接V-ing或that引导的从句;当表示“想要”时,后常接动词不定式,相当于want to do sth.。 Waiting outside means wasting useful time. 在外面等就是浪费有用的时间。 I mean to go tomorrow. 我想明天走。 考点串联:mean sth. by sth. / doing sth. 意思是……;mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事。 By study I mean the study of science. 我说的学习,指的是学习科学。 I didn’t mean you to read the letter. 我并没有打算让你读那封信。 考点例析:—You should have thanked her before you left. —I meant ________ , but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere. (2000上海春季) A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing so 解析:选B。mean作为“打算,想要……”,后接动词不定式。另外,本题还考查动词不定式的省略结构。 考点纠错:你那样说是什么意思? 误:What do you mean to say that? 正:What do you mean by saying that? 考点提醒:by doing sth. 中的by表示抽象的方式。 3. 考点出处:We also had different students in some classes, so it was difficult to remember all the faces and names. (P2) 考点提炼:句中it是形式主语。 考点梳理:用it作形式主语,it代替不定式、主语从句等。 It’s nice to be with you. 和你在一起真好。 It’s important that we study English. 我们学习英语是重要的。 考点串联:it可指代if或when从句的内容。 I hate it when people talk with their mouths full of food. 我讨厌人们满嘴含着食物说话。 考点例析:The Foreign Minister said, “ ________ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.” (2004 北京) A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is 解析:选D。当句子中的主语是动词不定式或从句时,通常将it用做形式主语放在句首而把真正的主语不定式或从句放在后面。 考点纠错:完成那项工作费了我们两天的时间。 误:That took us two days to finish that work. 正:It took us two days to finish that work. 考点提醒:英语中只有it可作形式主语或形式宾语。



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