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Electra is a noun that refers to a fictional character in Greek mythology. The name derives from the Greek word "elektron," meaning amber or shining sun. In Greek mythology, Electra was the daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra, and sister of Orestes and Iphigenia.


Electra can be used as both a given name and a literary reference to the character in Greek mythology. It is more commonly used as a female given name, but can also be used as a surname.


Example Sentences:

1. As soon as she heard that her brother had returned home, Electra ran to embrace him.


2. Many parents are inspired by classical literature when choosing names for their children, such as Electra or Apollo.


3. The play "Electra" by Sophocles tells the tragic story of Electra's quest for revenge against her mother Clytemnestra for killing her father.


4. The character of Electra has been portrayed in many different ways throughout literature, from a vengeful daughter to a strong and independent woman.


5. The name Electra has been used in various forms of popular culture, such as movies, TV shows, and songs.



1. Greek Mythology - the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes.

(希腊神话 - 指古希腊人关于他们的神灵和的神话传说。)

2. Clytemnestra - a queen in Greek mythology who killed her husband Agamemnon in revenge for sacrificing their daughter Iphigenia.

(克吕特姆涅斯特拉 - 希腊神话中的一位女王,为了报复丈夫阿伽门农而杀害了他们的女儿伊菲格尼亚。)

3. Orestes - the son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra who avenged his father's death by killing his mother.

(奥雷斯特斯 - 阿伽门农和克吕特姆涅斯特拉之子,为了报复父亲的死而杀死了母亲。)

Editor's Summary:

Electra is a name with a rich history and meaning, originating from Greek mythology. It can be used as both a given name and a literary reference, and has been portrayed in various forms of popular culture. Its synonyms, such as Greek Mythology, Clytemnestra, and Orestes, provide further context and understanding of the name. Whether you choose to use Electra as a name for your child or simply appreciate its significance in literature and culture, it is a powerful and timeless choice.


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