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1. let down:让某人失望

2. frustrate:使某人感到挫败或失望

3. disillusion:使某人不再抱有幻想或期待

4. dismay:使某人感到沮丧或绝望

5. dishearten:使某人感到气馁或灰心




1. 作为及物动词,disappoint通常接受一个宾语和一个介词短语作为补足语。:

- The news disappointed her greatly.(这个消息让她非常失望。)

- I was disappointed by the lack of support from my friends.(我对朋友们缺乏支持感到失望。)

2. 作为不及物动词,disappoint通常接受以介词in或of开头的短语作为补足语。:

- The movie disappointed in terms of plot and acting.(这部电影在剧情和表演方面让人失望。)

- He was disappointed of his brother's behavior.(他对兄弟的行为感到失望。)


1. The team's loss in the final game was a huge disappointment for their fans.(球队在决赛中的失利让球迷们非常失望。)

2. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I won't be able to make it to your party tonight.(很抱歉让你失望,但我今晚不能参加你的派对了。)

3. The lack of progress in the project is a major disappointment for the company's shareholders.(项目进展缓慢是公司股东们的一大失望。)

4. She couldn't hide her disappointment when she found out she didn't get the job.(当她自己没有得到那份工作时,她无法掩饰自己的失望。)

5. Despite all their efforts, they were ultimately disappointed by the results of the experiment.(尽管他们付出了所有努力,但最终还是对实验的结果感到失望。)


1. let down:作为动词,意为“让某人失望”。:

- I hate to let you down, but I won't be able to come to your graduation ceremony.(很抱歉让你失望,但我不能参加你的毕业典礼了。)

- The team's performance in the championship let down their coach and fans.(球队在冠赛上的表现让教练和球迷们失望。)

2. frustrate:作为动词,意为“使某人感到挫败或失望”。:

- The constant delays and setbacks in the project frustrated the team's efforts.(项目中持续的延误和挫折让团队的努力受挫。)

- She was frustrated by her lack of progress in learning a new language.(她对学习一门新语言缺乏进展感到沮丧。)

3. disillusion:作为动词,意为“使某人不再抱有幻想或期待”。:

- The harsh reality of the job market disillusioned many recent graduates.(就业市场的残酷现实让很多应届毕业生不再抱有幻想。)

- He was disillusioned by his experience at the company and decided to quit.(他对公司的经历感到失望,决定辞职。)

4. dismay:作为动词,意为“使某人感到沮丧或绝望”。:

- The news of her father's illness dismayed her greatly.(她父亲生病的消息让她非常沮丧。)

- The students were dismayed by the strict new rules implemented by the school.(学校实施的严格新规定让学生们感到沮丧。)

5. dishearten:作为动词,意为“使某人感到气馁或灰心”。:

- The repeated failures disheartened him and he almost gave up.(屡次失败让他感到气馁,几乎要放弃了。)

- The team's loss in the final game disheartened their fans, but they still showed their support.(球队在决赛中的失利让球迷们感到气馁,但他们仍然表现出支持。)




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