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advise是一个英语单词,意思是建议、劝告。它的读音是 /ədˈvaɪz/(美式发音),/ədˈvaɪz/(英式发音)。advise还有一些常见的词组,give advice(给予建议)、take advice(接受建议)、seek advice(寻求建议)等。


advise的音标为 /ədˈvaɪz/。




1. 给予建议或提供意见:She advised me to take a break and relax.

2. 向某人提供信息或指导:The doctor advised the patient on how to manage his diet.

3. 建议某人做某事:I would advise you to read the instructions before starting.

4. 告知某人某件事:He advised me of the changes in the schedule.

5. 通知或告某人:The police advised the residents to stay indoors during the storm.


1. I would advise you to save your money for a rainy day. 我建议你把钱存起来备用。

2. The teacher advised her students to study hard for the upcoming exam. 老师建议学生们为即将到来的考试努力学习。

3. The travel agent advised us on the best time to visit the popular tourist attractions. 旅行社向我们提供了参观热门旅游景点的最佳时间建议。

4. The company's financial advisor advised them to invest in the stock market. 公司的财务顾问建议他们投资股市。

5. The doctor advised the patient to quit smoking for the sake of his health. 医生建议患者为了健康考虑戒烟。


1. recommend:推荐,建议。常用于向某人提供有益的信息或意见。:I would recommend this restaurant for its delicious food.

2. suggest:建议,暗示。常用于向某人提出想法或提供解决方案。:I suggest we take a different approach to this problem.

3. counsel:劝告,提供建议。常用于正式语境中,指给予专业意见或指导。:The lawyer counseled his client on the best course of action.

4. propose:提出建议,提议。常用于在讨论中向某人提出想法或计划。:He proposed that we have a meeting to discuss the issue.

5. urge:敦促,强烈要求。常用于强调需要采取行动或做出决定。:I urge you to reconsider your decision.




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