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读音:[əˌdrɒp ɪn ði ˈəʊʃn]

词组近义词:a drop in the bucket, a drop in the pool, a drop in the sea


怎么读(音标):/əˌdrɒp ɪn ði ˈəʊʃn/


例句1:Compared to the total population of the world, our problems are just a drop in the ocean.(和全球总人口相比,我们的问题只是沧海一粟。)

例句2:The amount of money we raised is just a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed for this project.(和这个项目所需的资金相比,我们筹集的钱只是杯水车薪。)

例句3:In the grand scheme of things, our individual actions are just a drop in the pool.(从大局来看,我们个人的行为只是微不足道的。)

例句4:The amount of plastic we recycle is a drop in the sea compared to the amount that ends up in the ocean.(和最终进入海洋的塑料相比,我们回收的数量只是杯水车薪。)

例句5:His contribution to the project was just a drop in the ocean, but it was still appreciated.(他对这个项目的贡献虽然微不足道,但仍然受到了赞赏。)

同义词及用法:a drop in the bucket和a drop in the pool也可以用来表示微不足道的事物或者数量稀少的东西。它们和adropintheocean意思相近,但更常用于比喻某件事物在整个大局中微不足道。

编辑总结:adropintheocean这个短语通常用来比喻某件事物在整体中微不足道,也可以形容某个范围内数量稀少的东西。它可以作为主语或者宾语出现,并且往往带有贬义色彩。同义词包括a drop in the bucket和a drop in the pool,它们更常用于比喻整体中微不足道的事物。


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