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第一单元1. 用verb + by + v-ing 结构表述自己或他人的行为方式A: How do you study for a test?B: Well, I study by working with my . 用What about ...? 和Why don't you ...? 结构提出建议What about listening to tapes?Why don't you read aloud to practice pronunciation第二单元用used to + 动词原形结构表示过去与现在的不用You used to have long used to be outgoing, don't you?A: Did you use to have straight hair?B: Yes, I : Did you use to play the piano?B: No, I didn't第三单元用should (not) + be allowed to 谈论允许和不允许A: I think students should be allowed to do homework with : I disagree. They talk instead of doing : Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to : I agree. They aren't serious enough at that age.第四单元1. 用虚拟语气来提出假设及用should来征询意见 What would you do if you won a million dollars? I can't sleep the night before an exam. What should I do?2. 用虚拟语气和should来为他人提供建议 If I were you, I would take a long walk before going to bed. You should drink more water.第五单元使用must,might,could,can't 进行推论The volleyball must be Carla's. She is the only one who plays can't be Tom. He went to Guangzhou just might / could be having lunch at the school canteen. It is lunch time第六单元that和who 引导的定语从句I prefer music that I can sing along man who is talking to my mother is my teacher第七单元1. 用would like to和hope to来表达愿望 I'd like to visit somewhere interesting. I hope to travel around the world. Where would you like to visit this winter vacation?2. 由where引导的定语从句 He likes to visit the village where he can see beautiful trees第八单元掌握动词短语:put off, hand out, call up, give away, run out of, clean up, take after, cheer up, set up, fix up, give out第十单元过去完成时(The Past Perfect Tense)的用法A: What happened?B: I overslept. And by the time I got up, my brother had already gotten into the shower.【九单元无】第十一单元1. 用Could you please ...? 礼貌地向他人询问 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?2. where,how和if引导的宾语从句 Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money? Could you tell me how to get to the post office? Could you please tell me if there are any good museums in Newtown?第十二单元1. 用be supposed to表示被期待或被要求做某事 You were supposed to arrive at 7: 00. In Peru, you are not supposed to talk at the . 用should 表示应该做某事 You should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink第十三单元1. 用make somebody + adj. 表达“使某人……” Rainy days make me sad. Waiting for him in the rain made me . 用make somebody do something 句型表示使某人做某事 Sad movies always make me cry. Had seats in fast-food restaurants make people eat fast and leave.第十四单元用现在完成时来谈论或询问最近发生的事情A: Have you packed the camera yet?B: No. I haven't packed it yet. Yes. I've already put it in my suitcase.第十五单元1. 复习各种时态2. 用动词think,believe,agree,disagree等来表达自己的观点 I think that animals should not live in zoos. I disagree with you. I feel that zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live.



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