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Should Teachers Wear Uniforms? 新学期,新气象!我们辛勤的老师是不是也应该“焕然一新”呢?给他们设计一套新颖的教师制服穿在身上好不好?Teachers Should Wear Uniforms ! If it’s important for students to wear uniforms, shouldn’t it be important for teachers to wear uniforms, too? Here are three reasons why they should: First, uniforms help create team spirit (团队精神). Teachers in school are members of the same team and wearing uniforms would help the teachers communicate better with each other and help them become more responsible. It would show that they are proud of the school and proud to work there. Second, uniforms would help the teachers get more respect from their students. For example, in the army an officer’s uniform is very important to show his authority (权威) over his soldiers. A teacher in a uniform would get more respect from the students and they will listen to him/her more carefully. Third, a teacher’s clothes may be something bad in class. If a teacher dresses too well or too poorly, some students will have difficulty listening to what he/she is talking about. They are too busy looking at the teacher’s cool clothes or, perhaps, laughing at the silly way he/she is dressed. But if the teacher wears a uniform, there won’t be such a problem.*Can you think of other reasons why teachers should wear uniforms?Uniforms for Teachers? That’s Silly! There are many good reasons for students to wear uniforms. Some people think those are good reasons to make teachers wear uniforms, too. But I don’t think so and here are some reasons. First, uniforms would make teachers look too much the same. In education, it’s important for teachers to be different. Students will learn just as much from a teacher’s personality (个性) as they will learn from his knowledge of a subject. They will also feel bored if all their teachers are wearing the same uniforms. Second, a uniform might make the teacher look like a policeman or an official. Teachers already have a lot of authority in the classroom, so wearing a uniform would not be necessary and might even be a bad idea. The uniforms might make the students afraid. Third, teachers have rights. They should feel free to choose what they’d like to wear.



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