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in sale中文翻译,in sale是什么意思,in sale发音、用法及例句

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 in sale中文翻译,in sale是什么意思,in sale发音、用法及例句

in sale中文意思翻译



in sale双语使用场景

1、Company founded large screen projection department, Special deal in sale and Technical service of front surface optical reflective mirror.───公司下设大屏幕投影事业部,专门从事前表面反射镜的销售和技术服务。

2、Attention: the coupon can not be used for the special menu or products in sale.───请注意,所有特价套餐或特价产品,均不能使用优惠券。

3、"To be going for a song" means something in sale at very low price. Eg.───“去拿一首歌”在售卖方面以非常低的价格意谓某事。

4、When the robot was made out, computers of the time were too crude to give it memory and intelligence so he was packed away in Sale's garage.───据悉,当年电脑过于原始,这台机器人既无记忆能力更无思考能力,于是便被打包进了赛尔的车库里。

5、The rugged mobile, which has gone in sale in Tesco today, can be used in extreme temperatures.───这是个表面粗糙的手机,现在在Tesco有地方出售。它可以用在极端的温度条件下。

6、The second quarter's drop in sale is accurately forecast by the computer.───电子计算机准确地预测了第二季度销售额下降。

7、In selling its or his goods, an operator shall not make a tie-in sale against the wish of the buyer or attach other unreasonable conditions.───第十二条经营者销售商品,不得违背购买者的意愿搭售商品或者附加其他不合理的条件。

8、The problem about the protection of the buyer's benefits in sale by installment payment is a subject worthy of deep and inclusive research.───分期付款买卖中的买受人利益保护问题,是一个极富研究价值的课题。

9、problem about the protection of the buyer's benefits in sale by installment payment is a subject worthy of deep and inclusive research.───分期付款买卖中的买受人利益保护问题,是一个极富研究价值的课题。

in sale相似词语短语

1、in alt───高音地

2、in calf───小牛

3、in all───总共,合计

4、in care───以防;免得;监护

5、on sale───廉价出售;贱价抛售

6、in case───conj.万一;假使

7、in spate───争吵

2、sale和for sale有什么区别

一、on sale和for sale的区别

on sale和for sale在中文里通常都表示“正在销售”或“可供销售”,它们的意思非常接近。然而,这两个短语在用法上还是有一些细微的区别。

1. 使用环境:

on sale通常表示物品或服务已经在销售中,你可以在商店、网站或者其他销售渠道上找到它们。而for sale则表示某个物品或服务正在被出售,但还未被购买。


The house is on sale at this hour only. (这栋房子只在这个时间段出售。)

The car is on sale for only five dollars. (这辆汽车只需5美元就能购买。)

2. 语气和主观意愿:

on sale在语气上可能暗示物品或服务已经被放置在销售渠道上,但并不一定是热销或者受欢迎的。for sale则更强调物品或服务的销售意愿,强调出售者想要出售某物。


The restaurant is open on sale this weekend. (这家餐厅本周末正在打折销售。)

These skirts are not for sale, only giveaways. (这些裙子不出售,只赠送。)

总之,on sale和for sale在很多情况下可以互换使用,但在特定语境中,它们的细微差别可能会影响句子的意义。为了确保正确使用,请关注上下文和语境。

on sale和for sale 这两个之间还有这些区别:

1. on sale:这个短语表示商品正在打折或优惠销售。通常用于描述某个商品或服务价格降低、特价出售的情况。例如,你可能会看到商店里的广告牌上写着“50% off, all items on sale”(所有商品均享受五折优惠)。

2. for sale:这个短语表示某个物品或房产等面向市场进行销售。通常用于描述某个物品可供出售的状态。例如,在卖房的广告中可以看到“House for sale”(出售的房屋)。

简而言之,"on sale"强调的是商品的折扣或优惠销售状况,而"for sale"则强调的是商品的可售性。

二、on sale造句

1、Germans are making sausages shaped like football boots to go onsale in time for the World Cup.


2、The clothes are onsale at Star Clothes Store at 9:10 a.m..


3、We have no double cassette recorder onsale today.


4、I usually buy wool dress slacks after Christmas, when they go onsale at department stores.


5、Customer:Is that scarf onsale now?


6、Be the "black - and - white" toothpaste onsale today?


7、The newly designed Coke can, will go onsale in Japan next month.


8、The shades of the windows are not onsale here.


9、Patties made from minced human flesh were onsale at the Leningrad Haymarket.


10、The supermarket has pork onsale today.


三、for sale造句

1、The company was put up forsale yesterday in a shock move by management.


2、He will expose his old furniture forsale at public auction.


3、The only thing in the world not forsale is character.


4、In fact, all the goods forsale here are guaranteed of their quality.


5、And we’ll have six models forsale by 2016.


6、On February 12th he put up forsale a second tranche of 32 state-owned companies.


7、To mark forsale at a higher price.


8、The bookseller keeps forsale blank deeds and other legal documents.


9、We are all ready forsale has started.


10、No offer forsale is made by the advertisement of the auction.



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