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boundary conditions(boundary condition中文翻译,boundary condition是什么意思,boundary condition发音、用法及例句)

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 boundary conditions(boundary condition中文翻译,boundary condition是什么意思,boundary condition发音、用法及例句)

boundary condition中文意思翻译




boundary condition双语使用场景

1、failure can result from a true error or an unintended boundary condition.───失败可能由真正的错误或预期之外的边界条件引起。

2、Both the BIE and transmission condition are transformed into the third boundary condition.───在分析过程中,将传输条件和BIE统一成第三类边界条件形式.

3、The FD - TD formula and the absorbing boundary condition in Debye dispersive media are deduced , respectively.───推出了Debye型色散媒质中FD - TD法的迭代公式和吸收边界条件.

4、Last, the effects of concentrated mass and boundary condition are considered.───此外, 研究了集中质量和不同边界条件对耦合结构高频能量传递的影响.

5、The torsional model is solved by numerical method by considering the boundary condition and initial condition.───在给定初始条件和边界条件的情况下,采用数值计算方法求解了钻柱扭振模型.

6、We use the artificial boundary condition method to overcome this difficulty.───我们使用人工边界条件方法来克服这一困难。

7、The outer boundary condition is infinite or half infinite large circular reservoir.───无限大、半无限大、圆形油藏.

8、In the aspect of theory, the boundary condition with variable storage pipeline volume is proposed.───在理论研究方面, 提出了可变管线存储体积的边界条件.

9、The ablation pressure is used as boundary condition.───激光激波在靶材中同样经历着增强、持续和衰减三个阶段.

10、Stability, numerical dispersion and boundary condition are the several key problems in the seismic modeling.───稳定性, 数值频散和边界是数值模拟中的关键性问题.

11、According to the characteristic of cooling material, basic assumption and boundary condition are presented.───结合冷却介质的特性, 给出了流体场计算的基本假设和边界条件.

12、The equation and boundary condition that satisfied formation potentiometric function are provided.───给出了地层电位函数满足的方程和边界条件.

13、Finite difference method was applied and truncated boundary condition was introduced to reduce computation cost.───采用有限差分法解方程,并利用截断边界条件截断无穷边界以减小计算量.

14、unintended boundary condition arises when the scan circuitry is not disabled.───当扫描电路未被关闭的时候会出现预期之外的边界条件。

15、Three boundary condition expressions of unsaturated soil slope under rainfall infiltration and evaporation conditions are presented.───讨论了非饱和土边坡在入渗、蒸发条件下的三类边界条件表达形式.

16、The procedure for the implementation of specified pressure boundary condition was proposed.───探讨了指定压力边界条件在无限空间自然对流模拟中的数值实施方法.

17、Based on the analysis on cooling process of stator, basic assumption and boundary condition are presented.───通过对定子冷却的分析, 提出了计算的基本假设和边界条件.

boundary condition相似词语短语

1、boundary conditions───边界条件;边界状态

2、voluntary contribution───自愿捐款

3、boundary commissions───边界委员会

4、body condition───体况,膘情

5、boundary commission───边界委员会

6、necessary condition───[数]必要条件,充分必要条件

7、Hölder condition───以晴天为主




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