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trading cards中文翻译,trading cards是什么意思,trading cards发音、用法及例句

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trading cards中文意思翻译


 trading cards中文翻译,trading cards是什么意思,trading cards发音、用法及例句


trading cards双语使用场景

1、Here's a set of Yu-Gi-Oh trading cards for my nine-year-old nephew.───还有一套游戏王卡牌,是给我九岁的外甥的。

2、It should be noted that the sale of stock warrants, to subscribe for the general certificate -based, trading cards put less.───值得注意的是个股权证的买卖,一般以认购证为主,买卖认沽证的较少。

3、Doesn't it seems a little inappropriate to put serial killers on trading cards.───将系列命案的凶手印在商业卡片上是不是有些不合适?

4、A promotional site with games for TORECALE, a new form of trading CARDS available in Japan.───一个与TORECALE,一卡在日本上市交易的新形式的游戏推广网站。

5、Factory Entertainment consumer product to be released will include action figures, prop replicas, trading cards and die cast.───工厂娱乐消费产品被释放行动将包括人物,道具的副本,交易卡和压铸。

6、They have trading cards. And all sorts of cool things.───还有其他有趣的东西。

7、a little inappropriate to put serial killers on trading CARDS.───将系列命案的凶手印在商业卡片上是不是有些不合适?

8、Their grimy allure is celebrated in books, films, festivals, and even trading cards.───但他们并不高尚的魅力却在书本、**、节日以及甚至贸易卡片得到了庆贺。

9、Now collectors can choose trading cards from a variety of sports.───现在藏家们可以从一系列体育项目中选择收藏卡。

trading cards相似词语短语

1、trading card───商业名片

2、drawing cards───手拉压力历程图

3、trading periods───交易期

4、landing cards───登岸证;土地证

5、greeting cards───贺卡;贺年片

6、drawing card───能吸引观众的演讲或表演;绘图纸,绘图卡

7、playing cards───打牌;扑克牌;玩扑克牌;纸牌类

8、boarding cards───乘车证;乘客证(boardingcard的名词复数)

9、trading stamps───钱;赠品兑换券


1. UD卡是一种存储介质。

2. UD卡是一种基于NAND闪存技术的存储卡,可以用于存储各种数据,如照片、音乐、视频等。


3. UD卡通常用于数码相机、手机、平板电脑等设备的存储扩展,也可以用于电脑的存储扩展,方便用户进行数据的传输和备份。



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