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入学英语(start school中文翻译,start school是什么意思,start school发音、用法及例句)

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英:  美:

 入学英语(start school中文翻译,start school是什么意思,start school发音、用法及例句)

start school中文意思翻译


开始求学; 入学


start school双语使用场景

1、Playing doesn't become any less important once children start school.───一旦孩子们开始上学,玩耍就变得不再重要了.

2、Most children start school at the age of six.───大多数孩子从六岁开始上学.

3、When did she start school?───她什么时候开始上学的?

4、The child is old enough to start school.───这孩子的年龄已够得上进学校了.

5、He's about to start school again soon.───不久,他就要开始学校新生活了.

6、Rose is due to start school in January.───罗斯一月份就要开始上学了。

7、In England, they't start school at 8 o'clock.───在英国, 他们学校不是8点开始上课.

8、He'll start school soon, won't he?───他很快就要上学了, 对 吧 ?

9、By this time he was strong enough to start school.───到这时他身体已恢复到能上学了.

10、Educational achievement would appear to be set in stone well before children even start school.───早在儿童们开始校园生活之前,他们的受教育程度就已经是命中注定的了.

11、What time do they start school in England?───在英国学校几点开始上课?

12、I start school last week.───我上星期开始上学的.

13、When did you start school in Beijing?───你在北京什么时候开始上学?

14、The kids start school next week.───孩子们下星期开学。

15、Most children learn to lace up their shoes by the time they are old enough to start school.───大多数孩子到了上学的年龄就学会系鞋带了.

16、She's planning to return to work once the children start school.───她正计划孩子一入学就恢复上班。

17、When do all children have to start school in the UK?───英国的孩子必须上学是什么时候?是几岁?

start school相似词语短语

1、charity school───n.慈善学校;贫民学校

2、charter school───特许学校,契约学校;委办学校

3、board school───(旧时由地方税纳税人选出的董事会所管理的)学校

4、state school───公立学校;国立学校

5、separate school───教会学校

6、art schools───艺术学校

7、art school───艺术学校

8、charm school───n.礼仪学校;魅力学堂

9、state schools───公立学校;国立学校

2、start school与school start的区别?


begin是最常用语; start则多用于口语。start在许多场合可与begin通用,但start侧重动作的起点。







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