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propose to(proposed to中文翻译,proposed to是什么意思,proposed to发音、用法及例句)

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英:  美:

proposed to中文意思翻译



 propose to(proposed to中文翻译,proposed to是什么意思,proposed to发音、用法及例句)

proposed to双语使用场景

1、We never promised to complete this project in front of them. This was just a suggestion he proposed to us as a reference.───我们从来没有当面向他们承诺过完成这个项目。这只是他向我们提出的一个参考性的建议而已。

2、The chemical plant proposed to increase production and practise economy and other factories presently responded.───化工厂提出增产节约的倡仪,其他工厂随即响应。

3、It was at one time proposed to unite this order with that of Calatrava, but the scheme failed of execution.───这是一次团结提出这项命令与卡拉特拉瓦,但该计划未能执行。

4、The CEOs would have to talk about how their companies had got into their current mess and how they proposed to get out of it.───首席执行官们将不得不谈论自己的公司是如何陷入当前困境的,以及自己打算如何摆脱困境。

5、Hill was unwilling to provide details Friday about what sort of compromise verification measures he may have proposed to North Korea.───希尔星期五不愿具体透露他可能在核项目活动清单核实措施上向北韩提出了什么妥协办法。

6、Senator John Clayton of Delaware proposed to the Senate that it name a special committee on the question of slavery in the new territories.───特拉华州联邦参议员约翰.克莱顿建议参议院成立一个专门委员会,研究解决新领土上的奴隶制问题。

7、She proposed to me!───她向我求婚了!

8、It's only her humility, the sense of not being able to, that allows her to be able to do what is proposed to her by the angel Gabriel.───只有她的谦卑,对自己能力有限的认知,让她能去做天使加百列建议她做的事。

9、He took out his girlfriend frequently and paid for a snowboarding trip, during which he proposed to her at the summit of Mount Hood, Ore.───他经常带女朋友出去玩,还花钱带她滑了次雪,在那次旅行中,普雷斯顿在俄勒冈州胡德山(MountHood)山顶向女朋友求了婚。

proposed to相似词语短语


2、as opposed to───与…截然相反;对照

3、exposed to───接触;暴露于

4、looked to───v.注意;指望;照看

5、proposed solution───初步意念

6、proposed reform───拟议改革


8、copped to───接受;承认

9、proposed sale───拟议出售

英语问题啊,各位 帮帮忙!!!!!!!

动词,暗示 ,后面可以接

1)名词、代词或动名词;suggest sb doing sth

2)疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句;suggest what to do/ what we should do



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