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what you need中文翻译,what you need是什么意思,what you need发音、用法及例句

what you need发音

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 what you need中文翻译,what you need是什么意思,what you need发音、用法及例句

what you need中文意思翻译



what you need双语使用场景

1、So one thing you could do is spend less time gunning for that promotion and more time focusing on what you need to do to get a mentor.───所以你可以做的一件事就是少花时间去谋得晋升,多花时间去关注如何获得导师。

2、Stars will tell you what you need. The moom will tell you, were to go. . .───星星会告诉你,你需要什么。月亮会告诉你,你该去哪里…

3、What you need is a drama coach.───你需要的是一位戏剧指导。

4、Let the Word of God teach you what God promises, what you need, and in what manner God wishes you to pray.───求上帝教导我们明白我们的需要、上帝的应许、以及该用怎样的态度向上帝祈祷。

5、Payment need not always come in the form of dollars. Remember your area of expertise and be ready to trade it for what you need.───事实上,酬劳并不只有付钱一种方式,记牢你的能力所在,用它来换得你要的。

6、you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes.───你需要的是一个允许你犯错误的好老师。

7、They're all laid out in an easy-to-understand format so you always know what you need to do and when to do it.───它们都以最易理解的形式说明问题,所以你很容易知道自己需要做什么以及什么时候去做。

8、It's a question that you can also use to immediately get a prospect to tell you EXACTLY what you need to say to help them buy.───你也可以通过这个问题,立刻让潜在顾客告诉你,你确切需要如何做,才能帮助他们购买。

9、What you need is a good meal.───你需要的是一顿美餐。

what you need相似词语短语

1、to need───需要

2、what the hell───(表示不在乎、无可奈何、气恼、不耐烦等)究竟,到底

3、as you were───原地不动,还原,复原(恢复原来的姿势)

4、what goes───怎么回事

5、at your heels───紧随其后

6、what you will───你会怎么做

7、what do you want───你想要什么;你想怎么样

8、what do you know───你知道什么

9、what the heck───搞什么鬼(非正式,表示极度惊讶的语气);怎么回事(非正式,表示极度惊讶的语气)

you can take what you need是什么意思?

you can take what you need ,意思如下



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