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comedown(come down中文翻译,come down是什么意思,come down发音、用法及例句)

come down发音

英:  美:

come down中文意思翻译

下来,降落; 倒塌,落魄


 comedown(come down中文翻译,come down是什么意思,come down发音、用法及例句)

come down双语使用场景

1、Interest rates would come down as the recovery gathered pace.───随着复苏的加速,利率会降下来。

2、" Yes,'said Carrie. " You must come down and see me some time. "───“ 是的, "嘉莉说, " 你什么时候一定要过来看我 埃 ”

3、Clouds had come down and it was starting to drizzle.───云压了下来,开始下起了毛毛雨。

4、I watched the climbers come down into the valley.───我注视着爬山者下到山谷里去了.

5、Right. What I want now is two volunteers to come down to the front.───好了,现在我需要两个自告奋勇的人到前面来。

6、Interest rates should come down.───利率应该降低。

7、This ring has come down from my great - grandmother .───这只戒指是我 曾祖母 传下来的.

8、" To - morrow, " he said, " you come down here and buy yourself a skirt. "───“ 等明天, " 他说, " 你到这里来买条裙子.

9、It's a bad lookout for the company if interest rates don't come down.───如果利率降不下来,公司的前景可就不妙了.

10、We were forced to come down in a field.───我们被迫降落在田野里。

11、German interest rates will come down before long.───德国的利率水平很快就会降下来。

12、Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to come down to earth and to do his homework.───比尔坐着空想,他母亲要他面对现实,去做课外作业.

13、The mountaineers did not begin to come down the mountain till they had reached the top.───登山者们登上顶峰后才开始下来.

14、Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe.───物质和意识形态上的障碍在东欧已不复存在。

15、" Why not come down to The Fair, " he suggested, " next Tuesday? "───“ 星期二到大商场来, 你看 怎么样 ? " 他提议说.

16、If you do something awful they all come down on you like a ton of bricks.───如果你做了错事,他们全都会对你大发雷霆。

17、The name has come down from the last century.───这名称是从上个世纪流传下来的。

18、Production costs come down every year.───生产成本逐年下降.

come down相似词语短语

1、came down───下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落魄,失势

2、come on───v.快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生

3、done down───完成


5、choke down───强咽下去;抑制

6、come downs───下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落魄,失势

7、comes down───下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落魄,失势

8、close down───关闭;停止播音



come down 英[kʌm daun] v. 下来,下落vi. (价格、温度、比率等)下降;着陆;崩塌;决定并宣布(支持或反对)[例句]But telecoms valuations have come down across the board.但全球电信的价值现在整体在下降。


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