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account holder中文翻译,account holder是什么意思,account holder发音、用法及例句

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account holder中文意思翻译


 account holder中文翻译,account holder是什么意思,account holder发音、用法及例句



account holder双语使用场景

1、Drawer The account holder or the person who signs the check.───出票人签署支票的账户持有人.

2、If the account holder is not the applicant, please fill in the following information.───若户口持有人并非申请人, 请填写以下资料.

3、JD trading account holder only. JD may not make or receive payment via third party.───此提款要求仅限于JD账户持有人, JD不可通过第三人做出支付或收到支付.

4、For ECM account holder only. ECM may not make or receive payment via a third party.───此提款要求仅限于ECM账户持有人, ECM不可 汇款给第三者或者通过第三者收取汇款.

5、Each account holder is presumed to have equal share.───每位帐户持有人均被假设具有相等的份额.

6、The bank generally has to be the account holder bank.───银行通常为账户持有人银行.

7、We were unable to verify purchase authorization with the listed payment method account holder.───我们无法确认购买授权与上市的付款方式,帐户持有人.

8、LDG trading account holder only. LDG may not make or receive payment via third party.───此提款要求仅限于LDG账户持有人, LDG不可通过第三人做出支付或收到支付.

9、SS trading account holder only. SS may not make or receive payment via third party.───此提款要求仅限于SS账户持有人, SS不可通过第三人做出支付或收到支付.

10、The account holder must start withdrawals by age seventy and one - half or there also are fines.───储户必须在70 岁 半的时候开始收回钱,否则也要罚款的.

11、Are you an account holder, sir?───先生,您是本行客户 吗 ?

12、And our account holder will use only the online application to check there account history.───而我们的帐户持有人将只使用在线申请,检查那里的帐户历史记录.

13、The bank will disclose the account of the confidential account and the name the account holder.───银行提供对账户金额以及户主姓名的保密服务.

14、OFM trading account holder only . OFM may not make or receive payment via third party.───必须为OFM交易帐户持有人,OFM不会经第三方支付或接收款项.

15、The change involved from Version 1 to Version 2 accommodates a new account holder name field.───通过添加一个新的帐号持有人名称字段,使我们的应用程序从版本 1 变化到版本 2。

16、But, savings cannot be withdrawn before the account holder is fifty - nine and one - half years old.───但是, 在储户不到59岁半的时候是不能收回这些钱的.

17、With that in mind, I listed Hannah as a joint account holder on my Visa card earlier this year.───考虑到这一点,今年早些时候我把汉娜列为我的Visa卡的一个联合账户持有人。

18、You can use multiple hosted accounts, perhaps teaming up with another Azure account holder.───你能使用多个托管账户,可以和其他Azure账户拥有者进行合作。

account holder相似词语短语

1、accounts for───占…比例

2、account book───账簿

3、account numbers───[会计]帐号

4、account holders───开户人;顾客帐户


6、account books───帐簿

7、account number───[会计]帐号

8、account day───交割日;[会计]结帐日

9、account for───对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因;导致;(比例)占

搞不清楚了,bank info里面的Account Holder Name是指什么?

Account Holder Name:帐户持有人姓名



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