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job description中文翻译,job description是什么意思,job description发音、用法及例句

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 job description中文翻译,job description是什么意思,job description发音、用法及例句

job description中文意思翻译



job description双语使用场景

1、So your job description has nothing to do with what you actually do day to day?───你是说当初招聘你时,所写的那些工作职责,和你实际每天做的都不同咯?

2、Everyone acknowledges you from your title, your job description – they call you Mister, Missus, Madam, Doctor, Reverend, and that is what you think you are.───人们通过你的头衔,你的职称来认识你——他们称你为先生、夫人、女士、医生、牧师, 而那就是你的自我认识。

3、Could you give me a job description of the position advertised?───你能给我广告上所征职位的详细的工作描述 吗 ?

4、Job description: list of tasks and responsibilities.───职位描述: 工作任务和职责的清单.

5、This employee does nothing unless it is in his or her job description.───这种员工只做那些明确写在他指责范围内的工作.

6、How to identify key competences from a job description?───如何从职位描述中确定出职位所需要的能力?

7、Read your job description but never be restricted by it.───读工作任务条例但不可受其限制.

8、Job description: coordination of loading and unloading of, trucks, stock control, warehouse management.───岗位描述: 调整卡车的装卸货, 库存管理, 仓库管理,操作过程的确定.

9、This Job Description shall apply to the Program Manager at Jabil Circuit China.───1本工作岗位的要求仅适用捷普电子(广州)有限公司项目经理.

10、A medical description of autism practically reads like a scientific job description.───孤独症的医学定义读起来就像是科学的职业描述.

11、Read the job description carefully.───认真阅读职务说明.

12、Job Description: 1 . Be responsible for laboratory animal care and management . 2.───工作职责: 1.实验小动物的日常饲养及管理.

13、Branch Financial Assistant Job Description: As an assistant of branch, report area financial supervisor directly.───分公司财务助理职位职责: 做为分公司的财务助理, 直接向分公司财务主管汇报.

14、Applicant must apply for the job after thoroughly reading the Job Description and completely understanding it.───出国劳务人员必须认真阅读,充分理解《招工简章》后方可报名.

15、Job Description: Multilanguage Web site creative and update.───工作内容: 多语种网站的建设,更新.

16、Thank you for sending me the Job Description for the post of Assistant Personnel Officer.───感谢您寄来的有关人事助理一职的工作说明.

17、Job Description : According to assembly drawings for hydraulic assembly and installation.───按照装配图纸进行液压组装及安装.

18、Responsible of ensuring that the job description, contract and organizational chart are in agreement.───负责确保工作职责, 合同以及组织架构图相一致.

19、Job Description: 1. Responsible for all daily office administration matters; 2. Coordinate communication with the headquarter.───岗位概要: 1. 负责办公室日常所有事务; 2. 协调与总部的沟通.

20、Job Description: 1. As the assistant of chief accountant for ordinary works.───工作描述: 1. 协助主办会计做好公司财务工作.

21、The meaning, status and job description of this study are briefly introduced in this article first.───本文首先简单介绍了本研究工作的意义 、 现状、工作内容.

22、To ensure that your resume works for (and not against) you, I recommend writing it more like a proposal than a job description.───为了确保你的简历对你有利(而不是不利),我建议你把它写得更像一份提案,而不是一份工作描述。

23、What does the job description say?───职位的描述是什么?

24、Writing a job description and job specification for the position based on the job analysis.───在全面分析的基础上,列出该职务的职责和工作规范.

25、Job Description The preparation of entry procedures for data processing.───编写录入程序,进行数据处理.

26、Overall, I'm looking candidates are a good fit, not just for the job description.───总之, 我寻找的必须是个善于适应环境的人, 不仅仅适应工作的要求.

27、Job Description: 1. To monitor, trouble shoot and maintenance of manual and automation machines . 2.───职位描述: 1. 跟进和维护生产线的手动和自动测试位测试机器.

28、Q : Gie me a summary of your current job description.───对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明.

29、Job description: to help the department managers to help monitor and manage the operation subdivisions.───工作描述: 协助部门经理工作,协助监控和管理下属部门的运作.

30、Think outside your formal job description when seeking out new challenges.───在追求新的挑战的时候不要将思想局限于你常规的工作描述.

31、Detail information about the Job Description please refer to below.───详细职位信息请参考如下信息.

32、Job Description: 1. To complete the routine procurement tasks developed by Purchasing dept . 2.───职责说明: 1. 完成公司采购部门制订的日常采购任务.

job description相似词语短语

1、job descriptions───工作说明;职位描述(jobdescription的复数形式)


3、core descriptions───核心描述


5、core description───核心描述

6、apt description───恰当的描述


8、fair description───公平描述

9、defy description───难以形容


JD分析,JD是英文job description的缩写,翻译过来是指职位描述的意思。

在接到一份新的简历 后, 首先要思考以下问题,前期应做好 JD 分析笔记,在项目操作过程中不断进行调整分析的不当之处,争取充分理解 JD ,快速找到合适人选。 通用性问题:



本职位 must 符合的条件是什么? Prefer 符合的条件是什么?


招聘原因是什么? 紧急程度如何 ? 希望何时到岗? 为什么?



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