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fallen leaves(fallen tree中文翻译,fallen tree是什么意思,fallen tree发音、用法及例句)

fallen tree发音

英:  美:

 fallen leaves(fallen tree中文翻译,fallen tree是什么意思,fallen tree发音、用法及例句)

fallen tree中文意思翻译





fallen tree双语使用场景

1、After a while, he sighed and leaned back on the fallen tree trunk, arms behind his head, and looked up at the canopy of leaves above.───过了一会儿,他叹了口气,朝后躺在树干上,胳膊放在脑袋后面,望着头顶茂密的树荫。

2、The road was partially blocked by a fallen tree.───倒下的一棵树挡住了部分道路。

3、A few hours later, he found a soft place in the ground. He placed his head against an old fallen tree and slept.───几小时后,他在地上找了一块柔软的地方,将头靠在一棵倒着的老树上睡着了。

4、The two men made a Herculean effort to lift the fallen tree off the victim's car.───这两个人为了搬掉倒在受害者汽车上的树花出了巨大的力气。

5、The figure which he was drawing in chalk was an old man sitting on a fallen tree.───他正用粉笔画的人物是一位老先生坐在一棵倒下来的树上。

6、The woodcutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him.───樵夫站在那株倒了的树旁,身前有许多碎木片。

7、We backfill, kick some leaves around, drag over a small fallen tree.───我们把土填回坑里,踢过来一些树叶在上面,又拖过来一棵小枯树。

8、All that would remain would be to wrap up warmly, snuggle into the bough of a fallen tree.───而剩下的事情,就是穿得暖暖的、蜷缩进倒地的大树枝中。

9、The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree, with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him.───伐木工人站在一棵倒下的树旁,在他前面有许多碎木片。

fallen tree相似词语短语

1、fallen over───落在

2、fallen arch───扁平足

3、bullet tree───巴拉塔胶树

4、hall tree───门厅树

5、tallow tree───乌桕

6、fallen to───开始,开始进食;着手干

7、gallow tree───马蹄树

8、fault tree───故障树;失效树

9、tall tree───乔木

结语:将初一到初三的英语技巧写下来,像“liketodosth”和“,翻译:我们在森林中一棵倒下的树旁进行了我们的野餐.fallen tree的意思是倒下的树.he was hit by a,falling tree意为正在倒的树,而fallen tree意为已经倒下的树,他是被正在倒的树砸到的,用过去分词KILLED表被动,高中英语breakupbreakdown区别1.Tounderstandthegrammarofthe,After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings. 地震过后,许多道路都被倒塌的建筑物堵住了。


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