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last day on earth中文翻译,last day on earth是什么意思,last day on earth发音、用法及例句

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last day on earth中文意思翻译



last day on earth双语使用场景

1、Excuse me, this is my last day on earth.───不好意思,今天是我在世的最后一日。

2、Today I will act toward others as though this would be my last day on earth.───今天,我会当作是自己在这个世界上的最后一天那般地对待他人。

3、Now, as I said, this is Socrates' last day on earth and you'd expect him to be pretty bummed.───我已经说过了,这是苏格拉底在人世的最后一天,你们肯定以为他很难过。

4、The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is it's last day on earth.───一个正常的人不会早上起来思考这是在地球上的最后一天。

5、If you knew today was your last day on earth what would you do?───想想吧,如果你知道今天就是你生命中的最后一天,你会做什么?

6、Well, let's see. . . my last day on earth.───我想一下…我在人世的最后一天

7、Live as though it were your last day on earth. Some day you will be right.───像这是你在地球上的最后一天一样的活着。有一天你将是正确的。

8、Next time you meet one of them imagine that this is their last day on earth and you will never see them again.───下次你见到他们其中一个时想象这是他们活在世上的最后一天,你永远不会再见到他。

9、Niesward claims that on this day "Earth occupies one of the most fragile positions in its orbits for the last 100 years."───瓦德教授说,在7月20日这一天,“地球处于运行轨道上一百年来最薄弱的位置上”。

last day on earth相似词语短语

1、hell on earth───人间炼狱

2、salt of the earth───n.社会中坚

3、east by north───东偏北

4、last but one───倒数第二

5、cost the earth───花费巨大;耗资巨大

6、last breath───临终

7、Barbados earth───放射虫石

8、last years───去年

9、last but not least───最后但并不是最不重要的

Last Day on Earth啤酒有什么用 地球生存末日啤酒功能详解



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