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beat it 什么意思(Beat It中文翻译,Beat It是什么意思,Beat It发音、用法及例句)

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 beat it 什么意思(Beat It中文翻译,Beat It是什么意思,Beat It发音、用法及例句)

Beat It中文意思翻译


逃走; 滚开,立即走开

Beat It双语使用场景

1、Hey! Hey! Hey! Whose girlfriend is she? Beat it!───嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 谁才是她男朋友? 住口!

2、The journalist beat it to telephone to call in the news.───记者急步走到电话机前,打电话要求撒回那条新闻.

3、The dry grass caught fire, but we beat it out.───干草着火了, 但我们将它扑灭了.

4、When he had the goat in safety, he raised his rod to beat it for punishment.───当他确保了山羊的安全后,他举起他的棍子要打它以示惩罚。

5、This is private land, so beat it!───这里是私人地产, 请走开!

6、Beat it before it's too late.───趁早滚开。

7、He jumped from a dark alley and I beat it.───他从黑古隆冬的小巷里窜上来,但我逃之夭夭.

8、He kept on bothering me, so I told him to beat it.───他继续不停地烦我, 因此,我叫他走开.

9、Now beat it, will you ?───现在给我滚开, 听见了 吗 ?

10、The dry grass catch fire, but we beat it out.───乾草著火了, 但我们把火扑灭了.

11、This is private land, so beat it!───这里是私人土地,滚开!

12、You're on the wrong side Of the street, fat cat. Beat it!───你不该来街的这边的, 肥猫! 小心我揍你!

13、Heaven knows how we will beat it!───eatv.战胜.

14、Housewife: I said no. Beat it.───家庭主妇: 不用. 滚开.

15、Absolutely spectacular opening ceremony. Heaven knows how we will beat it!───绝对是壮观的开幕式, 天知道我们怎么打败他们 啊 !

16、I want you kids to beat it!───我要你们给我滚开.

17、Beat it until the dough is slightly elastic.───反复捶打,直到面团略有弹性。

18、Beat it until the dough is slightly elastic.───一直搅打,直至生面团略有弹性。

Beat It相似词语短语

1、bear pits───熊坑

2、beat out───搞清;敲平;使筋疲力尽

3、sweat it───为此担心

4、beat up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

5、bear pit───熊坑

6、be past it───技巧不如当年


8、get it───明白了;做到

9、beat it!───跑掉;走开


BEAT IT在这首歌里面是避开、滚蛋的意思!


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