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circulation desk中文翻译,circulation desk是什么意思,circulation desk发音、用法及例句

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 circulation desk中文翻译,circulation desk是什么意思,circulation desk发音、用法及例句

circulation desk双语使用场景

1、my circulation desk, I have boxes and boxes of food that people are stumbling over, ” said Kathy Pape, the library’s executive director.───我的图书借还台后面放着一箱箱食品都能把人绊倒,”图书馆的执行董事Kathy Pape说。

2、Bring the books to the circulation desk , and the clerks there will help you.───把这些书拿到出纳台,那里的人会协助你的.

3、Application for locked study carols should be made with the first two weeks of each semester at the circulation desk.───使用带锁学习室的人员必须在每学期最初两周内向图书借阅处提出租借申请。

4、For assistance please call the Library Circulation Desk at extension 15112.───若有疑问欢迎洽询图书馆出纳台,分机15112.

5、Visitors were nosing through racks of dog-eared best sellers, schmoozing near the circulation desk and peering into Banks of computers on long tables in the lobby.───访客们正在小心地穿过堆满缺角的畅销书的书架,在流通服务台前面闲谈,顺便瞥一眼大厅里面长桌上成行的计算机。

6、Is the circulation desk open every day?───借书处每天开放 吗 ?

circulation desk相似词语短语


2、circulating decimal───循坏小数


4、circulation manager───营业主任

5、circulation trouble───循环障碍

6、circulating media───流通媒体

7、circulation managers───营业主任

8、circulatory disease───循环系统疾病


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