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container ship中文翻译,container ship是什么意思,container ship发音、用法及例句

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container ship中文意思翻译



 container ship中文翻译,container ship是什么意思,container ship发音、用法及例句


container ship双语使用场景

1、But even if another vessel was involved, it's hard to explain how an alert captain or watch stander would not have spotted an approaching container ship in time to make an adequate mayday call.───即便真的有其他船只牵涉进来,也很难解释为什么一位警觉的船长或值班人员都没有及时发现这样一艘正在靠近的集装箱船并发出求救信号。

2、A container ship was on the stocks.───一艘集装箱船正在建造中.

3、Trucks and cranes spring into action as a 900-foot container ship docks at the Port of Oakland.───一艘900英尺的集装箱货船停泊到了奥克兰港,卡车和吊车马上投入了运作。

4、Finally, vibration test on board the 1714 TEU container ship was described in this paper.───最后, 本文论述了对1714TEU集装箱船上层建筑的振动测试.

5、Container ship maximization has all brought enormous influence on the liner Ship Company and container port.───集装箱船舶大型化对集装箱运输的班轮公司和集装箱码头都带来了巨大的影响.

6、It could be on a container ship in a port, or in a suitcase on a subway.───它可能就在港口的一艘集装箱货轮上,或者地铁的手提箱里。

7、Vibration test on board the 1714 TEU container ship.───集装箱船上层建筑振动的实船测试.

8、The volume of this container ship is 100000 cubic metres.───这个集装箱货轮的容量是十万立方米.

9、A container ship from China stuffed with toys and T - shirts?───一艘塞满玩具和 T 恤的中国集装箱船?

10、The development of the open top container ship and the IMO requirements are presented.───本文介绍了无舱盖集装箱船的发展及其特点,国际海事组织(IMO) 有关无舱盖船入级的暂行规则.

11、One , course flight number is increasing, container ship is larger and larger.───航线航班越来越多, 集装箱船越来越大.

container ship相似词语短语



3、container line───[水运]集装箱航线


5、container port───n.货柜港口,集装箱货港

6、container dock───集装箱码头

7、container ships───集装箱运货船;货柜船


container的意思是容器 ,集装箱。



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